Create a Quote in Techmate

Create a Quote in Techmate

To generate a quote for the customer, Techmate must first be provided with all of the parameters used to make up the pricing of the quote. Hence, it is imperative that the user enters the correct details on the job prior to running the Job Type Creator (clicking on the image-20240905-194147.png  icon in the job) in order to obtain a correct price.

Running the Job Type Creator is the trigger Moveware uses to provide the request to Techmate for a quote. Techmate receives the parameters from Moveware, and sends two files to Moveware. One is an xml file which Moveware reads to create the costs and charges on the Job. This file is useful for reviewing the data Techmate received and the data Techmate sent in return.

The other document provided by Techmate is a PDF of the quote generated. You can provide this PDF to the customer directly if you wish. However, the look and feel of the quote document is determined by Techmate. Some companies prefer to use their own quote format. In this case, Moveware can create a quote template based on your requirements. This template can be chosen from the document drop-down menu in Jobs Management and will use the numbers in Costing (which were provided by Techmate) to display the quote charges.

If you have difficulty generating a quote, see Troubleshooting for help.

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