Send a Waybill

Send a Waybill

Sending Waybills using MoveTransfer is a simple process. A user despatches a Waybill and chooses to send it electronically to the Destination Agent and a pending MoveTransfer diary action is created (see Appendix). The system checks if the selected Destination Agent is set up as a MoveTransfer partner. If this is the case, an email containing details of the upcoming Waybill transfer is sent to the Destination Agent. See MoveTransfer Guide for an overview of sending Waybills.

How to Send a Waybill

  1. As a Waybill is despatched, a check occurs to see if the Destination Agent is a MoveTransfer partner.

  1. If the Destination Agent is a MoveTransfer partner, a pop up window will be displayed confirming sending the Waybill using MoveConnect.

  1. Selecting Yes will send the Waybill electronically to the Destination Agent. (If No is selected the Waybill will not be sent electronically).

  1. A MovewareConnect window is shown with details of the Waybill and message to be sent. The window allows comments relating to the shipment to be added.

  1. Attachments required by the Destination Agent can be added to the Waybill by clicking one of the two icons located in the Attach section at the bottom of the window. The top icon displays only documents associated with the Waybill in the standard File List. The bottom icon builds a list of any Waybill documents and also includes any documents associated with the removal plans linked to the Waybill.  Select any required documents from the list to attach them to the Waybill. Attached files that are over 2MB will be sent via email and will not be automatically saved to the default folder.

  1. If the Waybill has already been sent, follow the instructions in Resending a Waybill.

  1. To send the waybill click the Send button image-20240905-174811.png .

  1. The Waybill will be flagged as ready for sending, and an email with the details is sent to the Destination Agent to notify them of the pending electronic Waybill transfer. The email details are also stored as a Diary action when it is received by the Destination Agent (excluding attachments).

Once a Waybill is flagged as ready for sending, a Pending Diary action linked to the Waybill is automatically created and no further action is required. The pending MoveTransfer Diary Actions are treated by the MoveConnect Web Service as instructions to upload the Waybill and removal details to the Moveware Web Server.  When this process occurs the Diary Action Status will update from Pending to Sent to denote that the Waybill has uploaded successfully to the Moveware Web Server, whereby it is ready to be downloaded by the Destination Agent.

Note: It is important not to delete a diary action once the status has been set to Sent. Deleting the diary action means that a confirmation message about a successful import will never be received and will also remove any references of the Waybill from the MoveConnect window.

If a Waybill fails to be sent electronically due to validation or other errors, the diary action will be highlighted in red with the status of Failed.

How to Determine Cause of Sending Error 

  1. Navigate to the Diary tab of the MoveConnect window or Waybills module.

  1. Select the failed Waybill diary action.

  1. View the Additional Notes section, this contains the reason why the export has failed.

  1. Notify Moveware Support if the issue cannot be resolved locally.

  1. Once the outstanding issue has been resolved, toggle the Waybill to be resent via the MoveConnect Web Service.

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