MoveTransfer Guide

MoveTransfer Guide

Once MoveTransfer is enabled and setup it allows users to electronically send and receive Waybills with Moveware Partners.

The MoveConnect Window

The MoveConnect Window allows users to quickly review the status of incoming and outgoing waybill and removal electronic transfers.

Overview of Sending and Receiving

The following steps provide more insight on how MoveTransfer is typically used. Actions that a user may perform while electronically sending and receiving a Waybill and associated Jobs are described.

Sending a Waybill

  1. A Waybill and associated Jobs are created.

  1. The Waybill is dispatched. The option to send electronically to the Destination Agent is selected, which creates a pending MoveTransfer Diary Action on the Waybill.

  1. An email containing details of the upcoming Waybill transfer is sent to the Destination Agent.

  1. The MoveConnect Service running on your company file server checks for pending MoveTransfer diary actions, which is used to create an electronic message of the Waybill and uploads it to the Moveware Web Server.

Note: If this process fails in any way the MoveTransfer Diary action status is changed to Failed, otherwise the status is set to Sent.

  1. The result of the MoveTransfer diary action status can be seen in the MoveConnect window or the Diary tab of the Waybills module.

  1. The Waybill is received by Moveware’s Web Server awaiting download by the Destination Agent.

Receiving a Waybill

  1. An email containing information on the upcoming MoveTransfer exchange and any attachments is received. The recipient has been specified by the sender as the destination contact of the Waybill.

  1. Incoming messages from the Moveware Web Server are downloaded using the MoveConnect Web Service and processed. The Waybill and removal plan data is imported to the system and a MoveTransfer diary action is created with the status Pending.

  1. A reminder message appears in the designated user’s MoveConect window.

  1. After reviewing the imported Waybill, the user confirms the Waybill has been received by completing the MoveTransfer diary action. A confirmation message is sent and updates the system of the Origin Agent that the Waybill was received.

  1. The receiver may modify details of the Waybill or Jobs as required or run the Job Type Creator. The status of the removal may be changed to W and the status of the Waybill may be changed to U.

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