Resend a Waybill

Resend a Waybill

Occasionally it may be necessary to resend a Waybill. This is usually because there was an error on the first send or the Waybill data has changed significantly enough to warrant a re-export to the Destination Agent’s database.

A Waybill can be resent to the receiving agent as many times as is needed. Every time a Waybill is resent the user will be prompted to put a reason in for the resend. If no reason is given the Waybill will not be resent. The reason given will be displayed to the receiving Agent so they are aware of whatever change has been made.

Jobs may be added to or removed from Waybills and resent. If the status of a previously received Job is changed to Won by the receiver, only the contact and date details will be updated if it is resent. If the status has not changed all Job details will be updated

Currently there are two methods to resend a Waybill: either resending Waybills that have failed to export or resending Waybills that have been sent successfully. The method used will depend on the status of the previous export.  The result of both methods is a MoveTransfer diary action of the status Pending. This status is used by the MoveConnect Web Service to know which Waybill requires sending.

How to Resend a Waybill (That Failed to Export) 

Waybills with the status Failed in the MoveConnect window or the Diary tab of the Waybills module may be sent using this method. The Failed status may be caused either by failing the minimum requirements or validation to be sent electronically. Moveware may also fail to send a Waybill due to non-data related issues such as internet connection problems or MoveTransfer not being set up correctly.

  1. Ensure that any connection or MoveTransfer set up problems are resolved.

  2. Navigate to the Diary tab of the Waybills module. Select the failed diary action and un-complete the action by selecting the Complete image-20240905-174857.png  button.

  3. The following pop up window will be displayed. Click Yes to reset the status of the diary action to Pending as intended.

How to Resend a Waybill (That Sent Successfully)

  1. Once a Waybill is set up for MoveTransfer, a MoveConnect icon  will appear next to the dispatch date. Click this icon and select Yes when prompted to resend the Waybill.

  2. Follow steps 4 to 7 in Sending Waybills.

  3. A Diary action is created with Resend appended to the description.

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