Fleet - Details
New vehicles are added to Moveware from the Details tab of the Fleet Management window. Vehicles may also be added from the Inventory Management window.
How to Enter a New Vehicle:
Navigate to Operations > Fleet in the main menu. The Details tab is displayed by default
Click the Add button at the top right of the window.
Enter the details of the vehicle.
Click Save.
Field Name | Description |
Type | Type should be Vehicle. |
ID | Automatically populates an ID as a Unique Identifier. |
| Click to add an attachment to the vehicle’s file folder. |
Click to display Mobi checklists done on this vehicle. | |
Number | Vehicle reference number. This is what will display on the Vehicle panel in the Daily (Operations) diary. |
Shortcut | The Shortcut field is not currently used. |
Description | Vehicle description. |
Make | Vehicle Make. |
Click to add additional vehicle information. | |
Model | Vehicle Model. |
Supplier | Vehicle Supplier. Double click to choose from the Supplier listing. |
Owned By | Owner. Double click to choose from the Supplier listing if necessary. |
Cost Type | Select the Cost Type of the vehicle. This will group the vehicle within its Cost Type group on the Daily (Operations) diary. For instance, Trailer2 below was given a Cost Type of Trailers, hence displays in the Trailers list. |
Diary Name | The name entered here is the name that will display on the Daily (Operations) Diary when the Vehicle is allocated to an action. If a Diary Name is not given, the Vehicle Number will display in the “Vehicles Allocated” column. |
Default Crew | Select crew members to automatically assign these Crew members to an action whenever the vehicle is allocated to an action. |
L | Length of the vehicle. |
W | Width of the vehicle. |
H | Height of the vehicle. |
Volume / Weight (Lbs) | Volume or weight. If your database is configured to display weights, a checkbox will appear to toggle between weight and volume. |
Size | Size of the vehicle. |
Year | Year of the vehicle. |
Status | Active or Inactive. |
Branch | The Branch at your organization that the vehicle belongs to. |
Cost Centre | If a Cost Centre is assigned to the vehicle, this Cost Centre will update the line on a Purchase where this vehicle was added as an Inventory item. |
G/L Code | The G/L Code field allows you to define the GL Code that should be used for this vehicle. |
Purchase Price | The purchase price of the vehicle. |
Hourly Rate | The Hourly Sell rate of the vehicle. More detailed rate options are available in Inventory Management -> Vehicle -> Cost Rates / Charge Rates tabs. |
Date Acquired | The date the vehicle was acquired. |
Costing Item | If set to Y, this will become a Cost Type that you can add vehicles to. See the Cost Type description above. |
Hire | If this is a vehicle that you are using on a temporary basis from a Supplier, set to Y. |
Template | If this vehicle is not recorded with specific information, but is simply a template, set to Y. For example, if a Supplier provides you with rental vehicles, and you would like to simply indicate the quantity you are using on a given day, rather than setting up each vehicle individually, set the vehicle as a template. |
Planner | If set to N, this vehicle will not display on the Planner tab of the Daily (Operations) Diary. |
Default Calc Type | For databases using Diary Based Resource Costing, this will be the Default Calc Type set when using that vehicle on the right side (resource allocation) of the Diary tab of a Job. |
Sort | The sort order of the vehicle if you wish to order the vehicles list in a different order than the default (which is by Fleet Number). Enter a number to order them sequentially by this sort number. |
Product |
Agent | If the vehicle is in a Storage Location that belongs to another Agent, the agent will display here. |
Current Location | The current Storage Location of the vehicle. |
Location Date | The date of the Vehicle’s most recent Location change. |
Click to set the current Location of a vehicle. | |
Vehicle Service | The date the vehicle was last serviced. |
Click to edit the last date the vehicle was serviced. | |
Number of days that you would like to receive a reminder about upcoming service due. To receive this notification, the employee must be assigned a “Notify” of “Service” in Employee Management -> User Details. | |
Click to add the next service date. | |
Next Service | The next service date will display here. |
Next Service (kms) | Enter the odometer kilometer or miles at which you are to service the vehicle. |
GPS | Set to Y if the vehicle has a GPS equipped. |
Rego No | The vehicle’s registration number. |
Registration Due | The next Registration Due date will display here. |
Click to edit the next Registration Due Date. | |
Click to add the next Registration Due Date. | |
Last Odometer Reading | The last Odometer reading in kilometers or miles. |
Vehicle Odometer Check | The next odometer reading date will display here. |
Click to edit the next odometer reading date. | |
Click to add the next odometer reading date. | |
Display Branches | The Branches set here will determine under which branches the vehicle will display on the vehicle panel in the Daily (Operations) Diary. |
Display Cost Centres | The Cost Centres set here will determine under which Cost Centres the vehicle will display on the vehicle panel in the Daily (Operations) Diary. |
Comments | General Comments. |