Fleet - Tasks
Details of vehicle servicing, defects, registration updates, repairs and other tasks are recorded the Tasks tab of the Fleet Management window. Issues with vehicles can be easily recorded by the Operations Manager as soon as they are reported by a driver or vehicle crew. Future dates can be set for next servicing dates along with popup reminders for the fleet manager.
How to Enter Vehicle Service Details:
Navigate to Operations > Fleet in the main menu.
Select the vehicle and navigate to the Tasks tab.
Click the
button to the top-right of the task list.
The Add Action popup appears. Select the Task from the left side. Additional tasks may be added to this list in Codes Management, set the Type Dropdown to “Vehicle Service”. Do not remove any of the default items from the list.
Add the date(s), Comments, Description, etc. to the Task as applicable. Double click the box to the right of the Completed checkbox to select an employee to assign the task to.
Click Save.
Tasks can be edited by double clicking on a task or by clicking the
The Details tab of the Fleet Management window will reflect the updated dates. Dates can also be added and updated from the Details tab for Vehicle Service, Registration, and Odometer check. Click the icon to add, and click
to edit.
Refer to the box where a 7 is set in the above images. This represents the number of days prior to the next service or registration date where a reminder will pop up. To receive this notification, the employee must be assigned a Notify of “Service” or “Rego” in Employee Management -> User Details.
Vehicles with upcoming or overdue task dates will display in pink on the Daily (Operations) Diary. The Details of the task(s) will display in pink at the bottom of the Vehicle Panel: