Changing your Password
How to change your password
Once you logged into the AVD platform for the first time or wish to change your password again, perform the following steps:
On your desktop there should be a ‘change password’ shortcut icon. Open this shortcut
If this shortcut does not exist, type the following keys: Control + ALT + End
Select ‘Change a Password’
The ability to change password would appear
Type in the following information to complete the password change
Old Password
New Password
Confirm Password
Note: The password complexity is as follows:
Password is fourteen characters minimum
At least three out of four different character requirements listed below is contained in your password
Special Characters
: (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|(){}[]:;”‘<>,.?/)
Password is not the same as the last twenty four passwords previously used against the account
Can not contain your first or last name