Change MoveSMS Passwords
Important Note
Prior to changing your password, we strongly recommend you log a support request to arrange a time with Moveware to update the token as soon as possible after updating your password as the SMS feature will be unavailable until the token is updated.
SMS gateway information is stored in the Codes Management window (accessible in the main menu of Moveware from Administration > Moveware Setup > Codes Management).
This information is used for sending SMS messages from Moveware and contains the Token/Signature values created from the MoveSMS username and password. If you change your password from the default value provided, the token/signature will have to be regenerated and provided to us for updating.
How to View New Token and Signature Values
In the following link replace the <username> and <password> and then visit the URL:<username>&password=<password>
The webpage displayed should look similar to the code below:<AuthenticationParameters>
<Token>27da4fd9-01alc-4cac-b190-c60b1d1ab61b</Token><Signature>9xtuoLEBlkgUaXvM3+/xiKa+</Signature></AuthenticationParameters>Please provide us the Token and Signature values