Workstation Setup for SMS
To be able to send SMS messages from Moveware, you are required to install a DLL file on each computer running Moveware locally. It is most likely that the Moveware team has already installed this required DLL on the server during the MoveSMS setup, however workstation setup should be completed by the system administrator.
How to Set Up a Workstsation
Ensure that the client has the latest code on the Terminal Servers/Work Stations.
Install the DLL required to run the SMS functionality. Use the following steps to install the dll:
a. Extract the file to the parent directory, C:\Moveware\Setup\update\Required
b. The DLL can be installed by running the C:\Moveware\setup\update\Required\mwdll\install.bat.
Note: Ensure you are running the install.bat file as an administrator for it to install successfully.
c. After running the install.bat file you should see a window which confirms that the DLL has been successfully installed.
d. Also there should be a mwconnect.tlb file created in the C:\removals folder.After the DLL has been installed, Moveware on the Terminal Servers/workstation is ready to send SMS as all the other setup required has been done on the database server.