Customize SMS Messages
Customized SMS messages can be set up to be displayed for Moveware reports. Once set up, the customised SMS is accessed by selecting the report from the Quick Print drop down box in the Jobs Management module and clicking the SMS button . Setup of customized SMS messages is similar to setting up customized Report Emails.
How to Set Up a Customized SMS Message
Navigate to Administration > System Setup > Report Configuration in the main menu.
Select the required report and navigate to the SMS tab.
Set the SMS option to Y.
Set the Source to the type of data the SMS template’s merge fields should pull from.
Select the To source.
Enter a name in the Refer field if you wish to include a default referral name in the SMS message.
The Send# and Reply# fields are for use in future MoveSMS development.
Enter the customized SMS details in the Subject and Body fields. The merge fields on the right side of the tab may be double clicked and added to the body as necessary.
Click Save.
Customized messages may also be linked to diary actions.