Employee Notify Alerts

Employee Notify Alerts

Employee Notify Alerts are Pop-up Alerts/Reminders the user can receive for a variety of reasons in Moveware. The table below describes the functionality of each Notify option.

Employee Notify Alerts





Costing Approval

Adds the Employee to the list of Approvers when a Cost Option requires approval.


When review questions are completed by a client on MoveClient, the Feedback Notify field on the User Details creates an alert pop-up to an employee from within Moveware. The alert message will be sent to the Move Manager for the Job. If no Move Manager is set against the Job, it will send an alert to the Sales Rep. Otherwise, if no users are found then all users with the Feedback Notify set will receive an alert.

Fleet Notify

Users with the Fleet Notify will receive a pop-up when "Rego Due" or/and "Service" date of a vehicle comes close based on display branches of vehicles match with the users branch. This is required settings in Codes management > 'Vehicle Service' type, select the code 'Rego' and 'Service', enter 'Fleet Notify' into the 'Notify field'.

General Ledger

In General Ledger->Journals, when setting up a recurring journal the user is able to set a 'reminder'. Users with the General Ledger Notify set will display a reminder on the date specified as a reminder that there are journals to process.

Move Decline

The 'Move Decline' will create alert for users who set notify = 'Quote Decline'
Now Move Decline notify is merged with 'Quote Decline'.


Users with the MoveClient Notify will receive a pop-up when a customer has performed an action on the MoveClient website.


Users with the MoveMessage Notify will be notified of a message sent via either MoveClient or MovePartner messaging system.


Users with the MovePartner Notify will receive a pop-up when a Partner has performed an action on the MoveClient website or a new quote has been requested via MoveQuote has Biller code assigned.


Users with the MoveQuote Notify will receive a pop-up if a new quote has been requested via MoveQuote (MoveClient). If the MoveQuote have a Biller code assigned then it notify under MovePartner.

MoveTransfer (EX)

Users with the MoveTransfer (EX) Notify will receive a pop-up when a new Job or Waybill has been received via the MoveTransfer product. The Job or Waybill must be for a Cost Centre that is mapped to EX in the Mapping section of Cost Centre Management.

MoveTransfer (EXC)

Users with the MoveTransfer (EXC) Notify will receive a pop-up when a new Job or Waybill has been received via the MoveTransfer product. The Job or Waybill must be for a Cost Centre that is mapped to EXC in the Mapping section of Cost Centre Management.

MoveTransfer (EXT)

Users with the MoveTransfer (EXT) Notify will receive a pop-up when a new Job or Waybill has been received via the MoveTransfer product. The Job or Waybill must be for a Cost Centre that is mapped to EXC in the Mapping section of Cost Centre Management.

MoveTransfer (IM)

Users with the MoveTransfer (IM) Notify will receive a pop-up when a new Job or Waybill has been received via the MoveTransfer product. The Job or Waybill must be for a Cost Centre that is mapped to IM in the Mapping section of Cost Centre Management.

MoveTransfer (IMC)

Users with the MoveTransfer (EXC) Notify will receive a pop-up when a new Job or Waybill has been received via the MoveTransfer product. The Job or Waybill must be for a Cost Centre that is mapped to IMC in the Mapping section of Cost Centre Management.

MoveTransfer (IS)

Users with the MoveTransfer (IS) Notify will receive a pop-up when a new Job or Waybill has been received via the MoveTransfer product. The Job or Waybill must be for a Cost Centre that is mapped to IS in the Mapping section of Cost Centre Management.

MoveTransfer (LR)

Users with the MoveTransfer (LR) Notify will receive a pop-up when a new Job or Waybill has been received via the MoveTransfer product. The Job or Waybill must be for a Cost Centre that is mapped to LR in the Mapping section of Cost Centre Management.

New Customer

When a new Customer has been added to Moveware and is ready for approval. The user with the New Customer Notify can review it and change the Status to Active. The System parameter 'Create Debtors as Status New' must be turned on.


Allows the < Operator > merge field to be used in email templates.
Also, when the NotifyOperationsOfBooking System Parameter is set to Y, the Operator will receive an alert when a new booking goes into Daily (Operations) Diary.
Only one person per branch should be assigned the Operations Notify.


Users with the PaymentError Notify receive a pop-up alert when an unsuccessful client payment has been processed via Worldpay or Bambora.


Users with the PaymentSuccess Notify receive a pop-up alert when a successful client payment has been processed via Worldpay or Bambora.

PO App Mgmt

Users with the PO App Mgmt Notify receive a pop-up alert when when a purchase order needs approval. Requires the Purchase Order approval system to be activated.

PO Approval

Users with the PO App Mgmt Notify receive a pop-up alert when when a purchase order that they requested approval for has been approved. Requires the Purchase Order approval system to be activated.

PO Team Leader

PO Team Leaders receive a popup when approval is required from a member of their team (an employee who has this user set as their Team Leader) because the Purchase Order amount exceeds the team member's limit.

PO Team Leader (E)

PO Team Leaders receive an Email when approval is required from a member of their team (an employee who has this user set as their Team Leader) because the Purchase Order amount exceeds the team member's limit.

Purchase Orders

When a new Purchase Order is created, the user who has this notify type will received an email (not an alert) for the details of newly created Purchase Order.

Quote Acceptance

Users with the Quote Acceptance Notify will receive a pop-up when a quote has been accepted via the MoveClient or MovePartner website.

Quote Decline

Users with the Quote Decline Notify will receive a pop-up when a quote has been accepted via the MoveClient or MovePartner website.


Users with the Rego Notify will receive a pop-up when a vehicle's "Rego Due" date is approaching.


Users with the Service Notify will receive a pop-up when a vehicle's "Service" date is approaching.

Single Touch Payroll

Users with the Quote Acceptance Notify will receive a pop-up alert when an STP Submission has been updated.

Storage Close

Users with the Storage Close Notify will receive a pop-up alert when a Storage Account is closed (status changed from A to C).

Support Call

Users with the Support Call Notify will receive a pop-up when there is a new support call created

System Update

Users with the System Update Notify will receive a pop-up when the database is updated with new code.

Freight Manager

Users with the Freight Manager Notify will be assigned diary actions that have "Freight Manager" selected in "Assign To Type" in Diary Action Setup.

Quality Manager

Users with the Quality Manager Notify will be assigned diary actions that have "Quality Manager" selected in "Assign To Type" in Diary Action Setup.

Claims Manager

Users with the Quality Manager Notify will be assigned diary actions that have "Claims Manager" selected in "Assign To Type" in Diary Action Setup.

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