Check Reminders
Check Reminders will open a window which displays all open Reminders, Alerts, and Messages.
How Reminders are Generated
Reminders/Alerts/Messages can be received from several sources, including
Internal Messages received from other Moveware users at your organization
Alerts designed to notify you immediately when an event occurs such as
A new quote request has been submitted through MoveClient
A vehicle servicing date is approaching
A cost option requires your approval or has been approved
A Waybill has been received from another agent using MoveTransfer
There are many more notify options available. These notifications are controlled in the User Details tab of Employee Management.
Reminders set up for Diary Actions. These can be set against a diary action so a reminder pops up, either as soon as the action is created, or on the day of the diary action date.
Viewing, Snoozing and Clearing Reminders
The Reminders popup will display reminders that have not yet been ‘cleared’ by the user. However, you can toggle the date range to view reminders that haven’t yet popped up using the arrows next to the date in the top-left
Clicking “Show All” will show all reminders in the future as well.
The “Show History” toggle will display all reminders/alerts/messages that have already been cleared.
The Reminders box will keep popping up on your screen, unless you either
Snooze the reminder
Clear the reminder
Clear all reminders
Snoozing hides the reminder until 5 Minutes from now, or whatever time option is chosen from the dropdown.
Clearing a reminder removes it from the list. It can be viewed in the future, only if the “Show History” toggle is checked.
Viewing the Reference/Source of the Reminder
The Reference and Ref ID columns show where the Reminder originated.
The quickest way of viewing the Job or other source is by double-clicking on the Reminder message. Alternatively, click the icon.
The “Send New Message” icon allows you to send an internal message, while the “Reply to a Message” icon
will reply to the highlighted message.