Employee Security
Key employee security details can be reviewed and modified from the User Details tab of the Employee Management module.
The top-left section of User Details contains the User’s ID and Password for logging in to Moveware. The key icon [ ] can be used to generate a random new password.
The Groups field is where you assign the user’s Security Groups.
Double-click the Groups field to choose the security groups that apply to that user. You can also copy the security groups from another user to simplify the process.
Company/Branch/Cost Centre Security
Moveware also allows for Company, Branch, and/or Cost Centre Security to be enabled. This enables you to specify which Companies, Branches, or Cost Centres the user can Read (view) or Write (Add/Edit).
These security options are enabled by setting the System Parameters “Implement Company Security”, “Implement Branch Security” and “Implement Cost Centre Security” to a value of Y.
Once the parameter(s) are activated, toggle between Branch, Company, or Cost Centre for an employee. Use the [ ] icon to give a user access to all Branches/Cost Centres/Companies. Individual branches can be added or deleted by using the Add and Delete buttons to the right of the table. Any of the values – Read, Write, GL Read, and GL Write can be modified (set to Y or N) directly in the table.