Internal Timesheeting
Internal Timesheeting allows Moveware users to log their time spent in Moveware against dairy actions on a job, or against specific Customers/Agents/Suppliers, or log miscellaneous time. This is a useful feature for companies whose office time spent on Jobs is charged to the client.
Internal Timesheeting can be activated by setting the “Enable Internal Timesheeting” System Parameter to Y. When users log in next, timesheeting features display on the top-left of Moveware.
Icons & Options
The binoculars icon allows users to view their time allocated for the day.
This icon enables users to allocate miscellaneous time to a task. The task list can be altered if required.
To allocate time, select a task from the list on the left and fill out the details:
Description – a further description of the task.
Date – defaults to today’s date.
Start time – will default to the time the task is added.
Hours – time spent on the task.
Comments / Actions to be taken / Action Taken – detail the results of the task if needed.
Completed – check this box to add the task to the timesheet.
This icon allows users to view and add to their weekly timesheet.
By clicking the Add button, a user can select a Job and add their time spent on that job:
Adding time to a diary action
Alternatively, a user can add time directly to a diary action from within a Job. To do so, select the dairy action and click into the Act (actual) column. This will then pop up an ‘add time’ box for the user to add the time spent on that action.