Modify the Cost Option Details
Sometimes you may generate a quote and find that the details are not quite what you are looking for. In this scenario, it is possible to modify cost option details and therefore edit your quote by using the Option Details icon [ ].
How to Modify Cost Option Details
Select the relevant job.
Navigate to the Costing Tab.
Select the cost option you want to modify.
Click the Options Details icon [
Modify any information as needed, such as: details, weight, volume, inclusions, exclusions, ports, etc.
Click OK.
When should I use this feature?
The Cost Option Details Window
This feature is useful in special cases where you need to deviate slightly from the company standard and present the client with a different set of options.
If you find yourself modifying this very frequently it might be good to modify the actual job type, which can be accomplished by your Moveware administrator.
The Quote Template
During the initial Moveware implementation, a Quote template will be added to your system based on your company’s standard format. This is typically a dynamic document which contains some static information, combined with dynamic information based on the selected cost center and Job type, and finally information from the Job you are working on. The combination of these three elements creates your final Quote.
The dynamic information tied to a Job Type includes:
Details: typically a description of the service.
Inclusions: the standard set of Inclusions on an Export LCL managed by an Agent.
Exclusions: the standard set of Exclusions on an Export LCL managed by an Agent.
Moveware will tie this information to the relevant cost option and display it on a generated quote; however, before you print your quote it is possible to modify these details as needed using the steps outlined above.