Accruals in Job Costing
How do accruals work in Moveware?
Tracking accruals that accumulate against jobs is an important function of the Costing module. As Estimated Costs are entered on lines with a Creditor/Supplier assigned, they can automatically be set to appear in an Accruals Report and can be managed in Accruals Management. When the Supplier Purchase Invoices are processed, the Actual Costs can be updated and the accrual can be closed.
The Accrual Status
The Accrual Status is visible for every line item on a Costing Sheet. It is set in the column labelled A. The status of the Accrual may be one of the following:
N | Not an Accrual | Cost will not appear on Accrual Report. |
A | Accrual | An Open Accrual |
C | Closed | A Closed Accrual. Accruals are closed when a Supplier Purchase Invoice is attached to the line item. |
How to Make a Cost an Accrual:
Open the Supplier Products window (see Supplier Products).
Set the Accrual Product field to Y. The Cost will automatically be created as an Accrual when added to a Job. Any time this Supplier Product is on a Costing sheet, and an Est Cost is added along with a Supplier, this line will become an active accrual.