Un-Applying a Receipt

Un-Applying a Receipt

Users have the ability to unapply portions of receipts from invoices on the Receipt Listing screen. By selecting the invoice in the Receipt Listing section of the screen, the details for the receipt will be located in the Receipt Entries portion of the screen. 

By selecting an applied amount on this screen, the Unapply button will appear if the portion that is highlighted is applied to an invoice. In the below example, the 1,250.00 amount would not have the Unapply button available since it was a payment on account. If that receipt was subsequently applied using the Apply tab at a later date, it would still be unavailable since it was not applied during the receipt. 

Example: Receipt for 4,500.00 was split 3 ways. 1,500.00 towards invoice 500064, 1,750.00 towards invoice 500066, and an unapplied amount paid on account of 1,250.00: 

  1. On the Customer Management > Inquiry tab, amount is fully applied, showing an outstanding balance of 0.00. 

  2. Selecting the amount applied to invoice 500066, and using the Unapply button to return the balance to an unapplied balance. 

  3. After unapplying the balance, reviewing the Customer Management > Inquiry tab, the balance has been unapplied from invoice 500066 returning it to showing a balance of 1,750.00 and returning the receipt balance back to -1,750.00 as an unapplied balance.  

Once the amount is unapplied, it can be reapplied to an invoice by using the Customer Management > Apply tab as necessary.  

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