Customer Approval Setup
Customer Approval Setup
If the customer approval setup has been implemented, below is a guide on how to manage this process.
The purpose of customer approval is for a select amount of management users to check/ approve the number of customers created in the database, to ensure they are all setup correctly without duplicates and (if applicable) can be used to request and enter financial interface customer codes.
The process is driven by the customer status and employee security.
Customer Status
Customers will be created on status new, which will create a customer but will not allow the customer to be invoiced until it has been approved and updated to status active.
New – Customer created requiring approval. Customer cannot be invoiced on this status
Active – Approved active customer. Customer can be invoiced
Employee Security
For this process, users can have 1 of 3 levels of security access
Unable to create a new customer
Able to create a new customer on status ‘new’ but cannot approve or create ‘active’ customers
Able to create active customers and approve customers created on status new
Below are the steps to setup users with this level of security
Set the user to not have characters ‘D’ and ‘@’ in their employee management group field
Set user to have character ‘D’ but not have ‘@’ in their employee management group field
Set user to have both characters ‘D’ and ‘@’ in their employee management group field. Further to this, if you require the user to be notified of any new customers created on status ‘new’ to approve, you will need to add the notify option ‘New Customer’
User Process
In most cases, users will have security access 2 with access to ADD a new customer in the database. When the database asks for the bill to, the user will add new customers when they are unable to find an existing customer in the below steps
When users select ADD, the following pop up appears. The user will then need to complete all pink required fields and save.
Note, any user without security access to create active customers (does not have security letter @), will automatically/only be able to create the customer on status ‘NEW’.
Any user with security access to create active customers, will create the customer directly into status active.
Any customers created on status new, will generate a pop-up notification for any users set as customer approvers (notify set as ‘new customer’). That customer approver will then need to check the customer setup and approve this by changing the status from ‘New’ to ‘Active’. Once this has been made active, the customer can then be invoiced completing the process.
Alternatively, customer approvers may prefer not to receive notifications of new customers to approve and they can at the end of each day, follow the below steps to approve all listed customers on status new.