Customer Management – Apply

Customer Management – Apply

Transactions are applied in the Apply tab of the Customer Management module. The apply screen works according to order of selection, so depending on what is selected first will determine how the application can be done.

A single Invoice may be applied to multiple receipts if the invoice is selected first:

Alternatively, a single receipt may be applied to multiple invoices if the receipt is selected first:

The Apply tab of the Customer Management module provides a facility to apply Receipts or Credit Notes that have not yet been applied to one or more or Invoices.

Note: The Apply tab is only accessible to Account Administration Users (Security Level A).

How to Use the Apply Tab:

  1. Select the invoice, receipt, or credit note to apply by double clicking on it. See Customer Management – Search for how to use filtering.

  2. Begin applying the balance to the appropriate invoices/receipts/credit notes by double clicking on them.
    Note: The Applied Amount will apply the full available amount to this showing up in the Applied column and calculating the Outstanding field accordingly. (Alternatively, if full application is not desired, the Applied amount can be manually entered in the Applied column).

  3. Enter finance charges or discounts if applicable.

  4. When finished applying select the Post button to update the transaction.

  5. If Post as Updated Journal is selected a Customer Receipt (DR) Journal will be created containing the transactions.

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