

A Receipt is created in Moveware to record details of any payments made by your Customers (Debtors). Generally, the Receipt is applied to outstanding invoices and it records the customer, date, type, and amount of the payment including any associated bank charges and foreign currency variations. A receipt can be applied to a single invoice, multiple invoices or left unapplied until it can be matched with a corresponding invoice using the Apply tab in the Customer Management screen.  

Receipting a Customer Payment describes how to create a receipt. Once a Customer Receipt is processed, a corresponding General Ledger Journal of Type DR (Customer Receipt) is created. Receipts are usually created in Batches. Use of the Undeposited Funds account allows for receipting of multiple invoices from multiple customers in a single deposit utilizing a second menu, Bank Deposits. 

Receipts may be viewed in the Inquiry tab of the Customer Management module or in the Receipt Listing module.  

If you have Stripe enabled on your system, all receipts will be populated in Moveware automatically can also be viewed in the Inquiry tab of the Customer Management module or in the Receipt Listing module.

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