Receipting Fields
Field | Description |
Account | Displays default Bank Account or select different account as required. |
Customer | Customer Account. The Customer that the Receipt applies to. |
Invoice | Invoice Lookup. If the Invoice number is known, enter it here to display all transactions for the Invoice number. |
Date | Transaction Date. Defaults to today’s date, can be changed as required. |
Value | Receipt Value. The value of the Receipt to be applied. |
Receipt # | A system generated Receipt Number. |
Batch # | A system generated Batch Number. |
Print Button | Allows printing of the current batch of Receipts. |
Current Batch Total | The current running total of the Batch. |
Method | The method of payment for the current receipt. i.e. Cash, Cheque, Visa. |
Cheque # / Card # | The cheque number of the payment, displayed only for cheque payment method. If Credit Card is the selected payment method this field changes to Credit Card Number. |
Branch / Exp | The Bank Branch as printed on the cheque. If Credit Card is the selected payment method this field changes to Exp (expiry date). |
Drawer | The name of the drawer of the cheque being receipted. |
Description | Receipt information. A free form text field to enter relevant information about the receipt. |
| View Source document. Enables lookup of the source document of the transaction shown, i.e. Invoice. |
| Undo Current Receipt Allocation. Enables the current receipt allocation to be reversed. |
| Refresh Current Search. Refreshes the current transaction list. |
Show Zero Balances | Displays zero balance transactions in the current search. |
Applied | The Applied amount of the receipt. |
Unapplied | The Unapplied amount of the receipt. |
Discount | The Discount amount applied to the receipt. |
Finance | Finance Charges to be applied to the current receipt. |
Post as Updated Journal Auto Update Journal | Used to automatically update Receipt Journal to the General Ledger. |
Zero Value Receipt | Used to allow a Zero Value Receipt to be applied to the Customer Account. |
| Modify G/L Account. Enables a new General Ledger account to be selected for either Discount or Finance charges. |