Crating FAQs
How to Extended Crate Hire
Example 1 – Equipment Balance
100 crates delivered on 15/10/08, 7 days inclusive hire, and extended hire starts on 22/10/08.
40 crates collected on 21/10/08 within the period of hire, 60 crates outstanding.
So, there are two lines, and only one is chargeable:
15/10/08 to 31/10/08 – 7 days included hire 1 week’s hire x 60 crates x .59p = 35.40
15/10/08 to 31/10/08 – collected on 21/10/08 0 week’s hire x 60 crates x .59p = 0.00
Example 2 – Equipment Balance
100 crates delivered on 15/10/08, 7 days inclusive hire, and extended hire starts on 22/10/08.
40 crates collected on 21/10/08 within the period of hire, 60 crates outstanding.
20 crates collected on 25/10/08, 40 crates outstanding
Therefore three lines, only two are chargeable:
15/10/08 to 31/10/08 is 2 weeks – 7 days included hire 1 week’s hire x 40 crates x .59p = 23.60
15/10/08 to 31/10/08 – collected on 21/10/08 0 week’s hire x 60 crates x .59p = 0.00
15/10/08 to 31/10/08 is 2 weeks – 7 days included hire 1 week’s hire x 20 crates x .59p = 11.80
How to Invoice
Example 1 – To Be Invoiced
100 crates delivered on 15/10/08, 7 days inclusive hire, and extended hire starts on 22/10/08
40 crates collected on 21/10/08 within the period of hire, 60 crates outstanding
One invoice line:
15/10/08 to 31/10/08 is 2 weeks – 7 days included hire 1 week’s hire x 60 crates x .59p = 35.40
Example 2 – To Be Invoiced
100 crates delivered on 15/10/08, 7 days inclusive hire, and extended hire starts on 22/10/08
40 crates collected on 21/10/08 within the period of hire, 60 crates outstanding
20 crates collected on 25/10/08, 40 crates outstanding
Two lines for crate hire and one for a collection:
The period 15/10/08 to 31/10/08 is 2 weeks – 7 days included hire 1 week’s hire x 40 crates x .59p = 23.60
The period 15/10/08 to 25/10/08 is 2 weeks – 7 days included hire 1 week’s hire x 20 crates x .59p = 11.80
Plus one Collection – rate 30.00 one-off charge
How to Add Costs
A User is trying to add a cost to a crate return but the cost box is locked. There are two reasons why this may occur.
The line is locked i.e. set to completed.
The sell price is locked.
If the line is locked and appears in green (as below) and it cannot be changed unless it is unlocked using the (confirm date as completed) icon in the top right hand corner, which will allow a user to manipulate the costs.
The other reason that a user cannot add a cost is if the sell price is locked in the Costing Tab. See below. In this case the (Lock Sell Price) icon needs to be clicked. Note: some users will not have the security rights to unlock.
How to Zero out Outstanding Balances
Collections on crate details have been confirmed as actual, however, there is still an outstanding balance of 12 crates, but it should be 0. The reasons this may occur are:
Cost Option Actuals were locked.
The user has selected the Price approval too many times.
If the Cost Option actuals are locked, this prevents actual values from being updated in both the Diary and the Cost Option (see below).
The Cost Option Status was set to Y – this prevented the actual crate return values to update the Diary Action. See below.
Although the crate return had been completed, the Actual Column had not been updated because the Cost Option actuals were locked. The Cost Option should only ever be set to Y once the Job has been completed and all purchase invoices have been applied to the Job. So, reverse the Status of the Cost Option and Re-complete the Crate Collection. This then sets the Crate outs to 0.00.