Add or Edit Storage Charges
The charges for a storage consignment are entered in the Charge Details section at the bottom of the Details tab of the Storage Management module or the Storage tab of the Jobs module. The charges entered can be based on any storage charge line and are used to generate Storage Invoices.
How to Add a Storage Charge
In the Details tab of the Storage Management module, click the Add button at the bottom-right of the tab.
Select one or more applicable charges from the lookup window and click OK.
Enter applicable details on each charge line. Refer to the Charge Details Fields listing below.
Click Save.
Charge Detail Fields
Date In: This is the date that the client (Jerry Seinfeld in the above screenshot) moved their items into storage.
Date Out: Some lines could be moved out of storage, this effectively removes those lines from future invoices.
Last Rev: Last Revision to the rates of the charge line.
Last Acc: The date the client has already been invoiced up to. When doing Storage Invoicing, Moveware will ask for the date you wish to invoice up to. Moveware will then calculate the amount of time between this date and the Last Account date to determine how many days/weeks/months/quarters to invoice for. The Last Account date is updated automatically on the completion of invoicing.
Reference: The Job/Removal that brought the charge line on to the invoice.
Charge Details: The Removal/Job Product description. Rates can be set against the Product in the Removal Products screen.
In: Whether the charge line is charged according to Inventory.
Freq: The frequency that the line will be included on invoices. For instance Monthly, or Weekly. See the Storage Frequencies table below.
Calc: Determines how the charge line is calculated. Could be calculated according to weight, number of items, a flat rate multiplier, or many other options.
Items: The Items field is used as a multiplier for the rate in Storage Invoicing i.e. setting items to five will multiply the rate by five when running storage invoicing. Leave the Items field blank if multiple rates are not required.
Lbs/CuFt: The weight or volume that the charge line should use to determine the amount to charge.
Ins Value: The insured value of the goods. This is used to calculate
Rate/Period: The rate you are charging the client per period.
Tax: The tax code of the charge line.
St: Active (A) or Closed (C) charge lines.
Date Out: Entering a date into this field and using the calculator button will create the final invoice and remove the storage from active to closed. Should be done when the storage account is being closed.
Storage Frequencies
The table below lists the available Storage Charging Frequencies and the rate that should be entered to calculate storage charges correctly.
Code | Description | Rate | Notes |
1 | Number of Weeks |
| Any number between 1-9 can be used to invoice only this number of weeks. i.e. if the Frequency is set to 2, and I invoice from 01/01/19 – 31/03/19, it will only charge for the first 2 weeks (01/01/19 – 15/01/19) |
B | Bi-annually |
| Invoice amount are calculated on full 26 weeks, up to and including the Invoice accounting date. |
C | Calendar Monthly |
| Monthly invoices are calculated on full months. i.e. from 01/06/17 – 30/06/17 = 0 months, 01/06/17-01/07/17 = 1 month, 01/06/17-01/08/17 = 2 months. |
D | Daily | Daily | Daily rate calculated up to and including Invoice accounting date. The rate entered on the Charge Details should be the rate per day. |
F | Full Monthly | Monthly | Monthly Invoice amounts calculated for part months as full months by rounding down, i.e. 3½ months charged as 3 months. To round up the month, system parameter “StgInvoiceFullMonth” must be on. If the billing is less than 1 month the charge will be pro-rata. Unless system parameter “StgInvoiceFullMonth” is on, it will be charged as 1 month. |
M | Monthly | Monthly | Invoice amounts are calculated pro rata for part months i.e 3 months 10 days is charged as (3 x Rate) + 10 x (Rate x 12 / 365) up to and including the Invoice accounting date. However, if the Use Monthly Storage Calculation System Parameter is set to M, it is the same as Frequency F. |
O | On Request | Total | Rate calculated as entered, i.e. Rate of $500 will raise an invoice for $500 regardless of Invoice accounting date. |
Q | Quarterly | Monthly | Invoice amounts are calculated pro rata for part months i.e. 3 months 10 days charges as 3 x Rate + 10 x Rate x 12 / 365. However, if the Use Monthly Storage Calculation system parameter is set to M, invoice amount is 3 x Rate and does not change. Note: To charge more than one Quarter, each Invoice must be raised separately. |
R | Toll Transport | Weekly | Rate is entered as weekly and converted to daily (rate / 7) for invoicing. |
S | Six Monthly | Monthly | Invoice amounts are calculated pro rata for part months i.e 3 months 10 days charges as (3 x Rate) + 10 x (Rate x 12 / 365) up to and including Invoice accounting date. However, if the Use Monthly Storage Calculation system parameter is set to M, invoice amount is 6 x Rate and does not change. To charge more than one Six Monthly periods, each Invoice must be raised separately. |
W | Weekly | Weekly | Invoice amounts are calculated on full weeks up to and including Invoice accounting date. |
X | Fixed Rate | Total | Rate calculated as entered, i.e. Rate of $500 will raise an invoice for $500 regardless of Invoice accounting date. |
Y | Yearly | Monthly | Invoice amounts are calculated pro rata for part years i.e. 1 year 15 days charged as (1 x Rate) + 15 x (Rate x 12 / 365). However, if the Use Monthly Storage Calculation system parameter is set to M, invoice amount is 12 x Rate and does not change. Note: To charge more than one Year, each Invoice must be raised separately. |