Add a New Storage Account
Navigate to Jobs in the main menu.
Select the required job from the Search tab and navigate to the Storage tab.
Click Add.
The “Add to Storage Account” popup will appear.If this is a new Storage account, click No. If this Job is adding additional goods to an existing Storage file, click Yes.
Enter the storage information. Refer to the Storage Fields list below for details regarding each field on the screen. Click OK.
Click the Save button at the top left of the module.
Storage Fields
Field | Description |
Storage ID | System generated storage consignment number. |
Account For | The name of the person’s goods in store. The |
Debtor | Customer (Debtor) of the storage consignment. This may be different to the Account name if the storage charges are being paid on behalf of the Storage Client. Click the |
Attention | The person responsible for payment of the account. |
Additional Contact | An additional contact person for the consignment. |
Email address for the storage account. The send email | |
Order Number | Company Order number if applicable. |
File Number | Can be used for an external reference number. |
Date into Store | The date that the goods were received and placed into storage. |
Reference In | The Job number of the Job where the goods were brought into store. |
Date Out | The Date the Account fully went out of storage. |
Reference Out | The Job number of the Job where the Account fully went out of Store. |
Unstowing | The amount quoted to the customer for unstowing. |
Redelivery | The amount quoted to the customer for redelivery. |
Comments | Used to record any additional information. |
Rep | The Sales Rep who sold storage to the client. |
Created By | The Moveware user who entered the Storage file. |
Invoice Details | Enter any additional text that you wish to display on the Customer’s invoice. |
Identifier | The Lot & Tag numbers related to this Storage account. |
Branch | The branch responsible for the Storage account. |
Cost centre | The Cost Centre associate with the Account. |
Status | The Status of the Account. Either Active, Closed or on Hold. |
Account Type | The type of Customer account: Private or Company. |
Collection | The account collection method. |
Type | The Account Type. Either Domestic or Commercial. |
Insurance Policy | Enter the insurance policy number or use the |
Group | Used to add the Storage Account to a Group. You can invoice by one group at a time, or report on Storage Groups. Storage Groups are set up in Codes Management, under the Type of “Storage Group”. |
Rate Revision Group | Groups for selecting clients for Rate Revisions. Rate Revision Groups are set up in Codes Management, under the Type of “Storage Rev”. |
Invoice Display | Used to group Storage Accounts to display invoices differently. For instance, some storage accounts may be provided more detailed invoice information. |
Cubic Feet / Net KG | The total volume in Cubic Feet of the goods in store for that consignment. When the toggle to the right of the field is checked, this will display the Net Kilograms of the goods in store. |
Metres / Net Lbs | The total volume in Cubic Metres of the goods in store for that consignment. When the toggle to the right of the Cubic Feet field is checked, this will display the Net Lbs of the goods in store. |
Update from Inventory checkbox | The checkbox to the right of the Metres field will update the weight and volume fields to display the total weight and volume of the Inventory on the Storage Account. |
Country Stored | The country of the warehouse storing the goods. |