Moveware System Restore

Moveware System Restore

In the event that you need to restore your database from a backup, the following steps must be performed:

  • Install Progress Open Edge 11.6 and 11.6.3

  • Install Crystal Runtime program files

  • Install MovewarePDF

  • Install and configure Moveware Integrated Applications – MoveTransfer, MoveSMS, MoveClient and MovePartner (if your company uses these)

  • Restore the files backed up from C:\Moveware and other locations documented above

  • Restore the Live database from a backup

  • Restore the Phone11 database from a backup.

Note: Due to the complexity of installing and configuring the supporting software for your Moveware system, the above tasks must be performed by Moveware.

The database is restored using the Progress PROREST command. This command can either be run from a DOS command prompt in Windows or can be included in a DOS batch file.  The syntax for the command is:

PROREST <database filename><backup filename>

where <database filename> is the name of the database file (usually C:\Databases\live11\moveware) and <backup filename> is the name of the database backup file. Normally the database can be restored to the same file location as it was running from on the original server, but can be restored to a different location. However, the database will not work until the appropriate configuration files are modified to cater for the change location. Please contact Moveware for more information.

Note: Whilst it is possible for IT Staff to perform the restore of the databases, due to the complexity it is recommended that you obtain assistance from Moveware.

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