Database Client Tools
The purpose of this post is to instruct our clients on how to perform a variety of database administration actions if the need arises. These actions can also be requested to be performed by Moveware if user is uncomfortable with performing these tasks.
This can only be performed on the same server as the database. Therefore, only users who have access to the database server are eligible to perform these actions.
Database Tools – Starting the Program
The Database Tools – Client shortcut should be available in C:\Moveware\Company folder.
To run the Database Tools – Client, just navigate to this folder and double-click on the Database Tools – Client shortcut.
If you do not find this shortcut available in the c:\moveware\company folder, just copy the Database Tools – Client shortcut in C:\Moveware\Live\Setup to C:\Moveware\Company.
Database Tools – Menu Options
The following menus are available on the main menu:
Database selection
Backup Database (Online/Offline)
Reset Web Services
Start/Stop all databases
Restore Live to Test/Beta
After you start up the Database Tools – Client, the screen shows the operations that you can do with the databases:
Option 1-3 and D01-Dxx is the list of the databases that are configured in config.bat
Option 4 is to Reset Web Services
Option 5 is to start all the databases running on that server
Option 6 is to stop all the databases running on that server
Option RT is to restore the Live database to Test database
Option RB is to restore the Live database to Beta database
** Note: The main screen may look different from the one showing here, depending on the databases you have on your system
Start or Stop selected Databases
Option 1-3 and D01-Dxx
To stop/start the database, select which database you would like to operate:
Select 1 if you would like to operate on the Live database.
If you have Test or Beta database, it will shows Option 2 or 3 for you to select
The Start/Stop of each database is available in the sub-menu for each database selection.
The Backup Database (Online/Offline) is available in the sub-menu for each database selection.
The Backup Database (Online) does not require database to be stopped. It will override the existing database backup file.
The Backup Database (Offline) requires the database to be stopped. It will override the existing database backup file.
If you select Option 1 and get an error that Database is already running, that means your database is already running, and starting it again is not possible.
If you select Option 2 and get the error that Database is not running, it means your database is already stopped, stopping it again is not possible.
Running Option 1 is automatically resets the Web Service, therefore, if you do not have Web Service setup on your system, you will get an error on starting Apache Tomcat service which can be ignored.
In case there are multiple databases on the server, the main screen and sub-menu screen are a bit different from the standard database version.
The database will show in a list starting with D01 onwards:
Restore Test or Beta from Live
To Restore the Test or Beta database, select the database then select the following operation
RLT. Restore Live to Test – This option will restore the existing Live database backup to Test database (please see below for detail).
RLB. Restore Live to Beta – This option will restore the existing Live database backup to Beta database (please see below for detail).
Note: If this has not been set up, a message will appear. Please create a support request to Moveware if you like to have this set up, provided you have a test or beta database/
Option RT or Option RLT Restore Live to Test
This option will restore the existing Live database backup to Test database. It will override your existing Test database, please ensure you do not need any data in there.
Before running these options, please ensure that SetTestDB.r and exists in C:\Moveware\Company folder. If the files do not exist, please contact Moveware to generate the files for you.
To restore Live to Test, enter RT or RLT (whichever is available) on Enter Option:
There is a confirmation message confirming that you are about to restore the Test database from the Live backup. Please input Y and press enter to confirm.
If the SetTestDB.r does not exist in C:\Moveware\Company folder, you will get an error message and Database Tools – Client will terminate the operation. If you cannot locate SetTestDB.r and in C:\Moveware\Company, please contact Moveware to generate the files for you.
If all required files exist, then the Database Tools – Client will start the restore process. The following steps occur:
Stop Test database, if it is running
Delete the existing Test database files
Create Test database files and restore data to the Test database
Start Test database
Modify the data in Test database
After the restoring process is completed, you will see “Press any key to continue…” on the screen. Press any key to finish the process.
You have now the updated the Test database.
Option RB or Option RLB Restore Live to Beta
This option will restore the existing Live database backup to the Beta database. It will override your existing Beta database, please ensure you do not need any data in there.
Before running these options, please ensure that SetBetaDB.r and exist in the C:\Moveware\Company folder. If the files do not exist, please contact Moveware to generate the files for you.
To restore Live to Beta, enter RB or RLB (whichever is available) and press enter
There is a confirmation message confirming that you are about to restore the Beta database from the Live backup. Please input Y and press enter to confirm.
If the SetBetaDB.r does not exist in the C:\Moveware\Company folder, you will get an error message and the Database Tools – Client will terminate the operation. If you cannot locate SetBetaDB.r and in C:\Moveware\Company, please contact Moveware to generate the files for you.
If all the required files exist, the Database Tools – Client will start the restore process. The following steps occur:
Stop Test database, if it’s running
Delete the existing Test database files
Create Test database files and restore data to the Test database
Start Test database
Modify the data in Test database
After the restore process completes, you will see “Press any key to continue…” on the screen. Press any key to finish the process.
You have updated the Beta database.
Reset Web Services
Run this process if you encounter issues with syncing in Mobi or MoveSurvey or users are unable to log into MoveClient/MovePartner.
Select Option 4 ‘Reset Web Services’.
This option will go through the Reset Web Services processes, which includes stopping/starting Apache Tomcat and Progress Admin Services. ALL web services will be restarted, e.g. live / test / beta databases.
Start or Stop all Databases
Option 5 Start All Databases
This option will start all the databases that exist on the server e.g. Live, Test, Beta.
Option 6 Stop All Databases
This option will stop all the running databases on the server e.g. Live, Test, Beta.