Set up a Microsoft Scheduled Task
Set Up Nightly Backups:
Go to Windows Task Scheduler and disable the current Version 10 Moveware DB backup task (or leave on if still used/required)
Create a new Task called Moveware 8 Live Backup with the following parameters:
Description: Backup of Moveware 8 Database while running to a single file. Does not include Moveware program files.
Select ‘Run whether user is logged on or not‘
Check ‘Run with highest Privileges‘
In the Triggers tab, create a new Trigger with the following properties:
Set to Run at 8:05PM on a daily basis recurring every 1 day
Stop the task if runs longer than 2 hours
Check Enabled
In the Actions tab, create a new Action with the following properties:
Action: Start a program
Program/Script: C:\Moveware\Shared\admin\DBScripts\Backup_StandAlone.bat
Add arguments: LIVE online Y
Start In: C:\Moveware\Shared\Admin\DBScripts
In the Settings Tab:
Check Allow Task to be run on demand
Stop the task if it runs longer than: 2 Hour
Check If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop
Click OK and enter the credentials of an user who is authorized to run backups (use same credentials as the one for the old Moveware backup scheduler)
Setting up a Microsoft schedule task
Download the XML file form the following Link:
Go to Windows Task Scheduler and click “Import Task” from the right hand side
Browse to the downloaded XML file and click open
Click OK, and enter the password