Install Moveware PDF (Manually)
The MovewarePDF installation files are in a Zip file located in the C:\Moveware\Live\setup\install\
To install MovewarePDF:
Start the installation by locating the file in the C:\Moveware\Live\setup\install and extracting the files to a folder.
Locate the folder to which the files were extracted and double click on setup.exe file. The MovewarePDF – Setup window will appear.
In the MovewarePDF – Setup window select “Yes”. The Software License Agreement window will appear.
In the Software License Agreement window, select “Yes”. The Choose Destination Location Window will appear.
In the Choose Destination Location window, accept the default Destination Folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\MovewarePDF) by selecting OK. The PDF Writer Setup window will then appear, displaying the progress of the installation. Once the installation is complete, the MovewarePDF Setup window will appear.
In the MovewarePDF Setup window, select OK. The Readme file will then be displayed, which describes how to create PDF files in Windows.
Close the “ Print to The PDF Writer Driver window”.
The MovewarePDF installation is now complete. There is no need to restart after the install.