Set up Employees for MoveTransfer
The final step of MoveTransfer setup is to assign the users you wish to receive notifications when new Waybills have been imported into the system.
Note: the user will only receive notifications that are in relation to their assigned Agent (in the Details tab of the Employee Management window).
In the main menu of Moveware navigate to Employees > Employees.
Select the required employee record and navigate to the User Details tab.
Set the user’s Notify fields to the following:
a. MoveMessage: If you require the user to receive alerts when the exported Waybill has imported successfully at the destination company.
b. MoveTransfer (IS), MoveTransfer (IM), MoveTransfer(EXC): Select the types appropriate to the user to receive alerts that a Waybill of type XX has been imported into your system.
Note: To select multiple Notify values, click and hold the Ctrl key while clicking on the required values.
Click Save. If the user’s branch is assigned to a booking agent, the employee’s agent will be updated in the Details tab.