Analysis Reports – International
This page describes the standard Moveware reports available in the Analysis tab of the Reports module, in the International section.
Booking Agent Summary
Lists all jobs for a specified Booking Agent. Customer name is the Company name on the Details tab of the Jobs Management module.
Booking Agent Summary – Excel
Lists Jobs to the Destination Agent on the Waybill by the Job Booker.
Excel version only to be used if the data is required to be exported.
Groups jobs by the job type.
Booking Agent Summary by Agent Group
Lists Jobs to the Destination Agent on the Waybill by the Job Booker.
Groups by the Group filed that each Agent is assigned to.
Groups jobs by the job type.
Export Destination Analysis Summary
Summary of all jobs grouped by destination and selected by Waybill Departure date.
Import Origin Analysis Summary
Summary of all jobs grouped by origin and selected by Waybill Arrival date
Insured Shipments
Listing of Insurance taken out for a move by Uplift date, grouped by Branch and Product type.
Note: Invoice Date used instead of Uplift Date if System Parameter ‘Insurance Premiums Run from Invoicing’ is set to ‘Y’
Line Haul
Listing of all Line Haul jobs via the carrying Agent showing job details such as volume, name and Job number.
Top Agents Ranking
A listing of the top agents, ranked in order of moves given, and moves received.
Waybill Analysis
Analysis of Waybills showing volume, revenue and origin and destination agents for selected Departure date range.
Waybill Summary