Export Reports – Documents & Letters

Export Reports – Documents & Letters

This page describes the standard Moveware reports available in the Export tab of the Reports module, in the Reports section. These reports can also be run from the quick-print dropdown menu in the Waybills module or the Waybill tab of the Jobs module.


Alcohol Listing

Report listing any Alcohol contained in shipment



Fine Art Report used to apply for a CITES Certificate. CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).



Container Load Report

Lists consignments per container in load order

1. Destination: Description of the “Dest Code” on the Waybill.
2. Destination Port: Destination Port on the Waybill (labelled “Destination”).
3. Vessel: Vessel Name on the Waybill.

4. Voyage: Vogage No. on the Waybill.

5. Manifest No: Waybill number (on the top-left of the Waybill screen).

6. Shipment Type: Type field of the Waybill.

7. Shipping Date: Date Departure on the Waybill.
8. Shipping Line: Freight Agent on the Waybill.
9. No. Consignees: Consignees on the Waybill. This is calculated by the number of Jobs added to the Waybill.
10. No. Packages: Packages on the Waybill. This is calculated as the sum of all the Packages/Items of each Job on the Waybill.
11. No. Vehicles: Vehicles field of the Waybill.
12. Total Volume:
13. ETA: Arrival (date) on the Waybill.
14. ETD: Date Departure on the Waybill.
15. Container(s): Container Number field at the “Inventory” section (at the bottom of the Waybill screen).
16. Seal: Seal # of each Container on the Inventory section of the waybill.
17. Size: The Size of each Container on the Inventory on the Waybill.
18. Load Order: The order as set on the Waybill -> Jobs screen. Use the image-20240828-181203.png arrows on the “Name” column to adjust the Load Order on the Waybills -> Jobs tab. The Load Order can also be manually entered into the “Load Order” field at the bottom of the Waybill -> Jobs screen for each Job.
19. R/plan: The Job number of each Job on the Waybill.
20. Branch (Origin): The branch of each Job on the Waybill.
21. Client’s Name: The Client name of each Job on the Waybill.
22. Uplift Date: The Uplift Date of each Job on the Waybill.
23. Type: The type (Cost Centre) of each Job on the Waybill (EXP, EXM, EXA, etc.)
24. Packages Quoted: The number of Packages/Items of each Job on the Waybill. This can be adjusted through the Items field on the Details tab of each Job. It can also be adjusted on the Waybills -> Jobs tab.
25. Packages Actual:
26. Vehicles: The number of Vehicles for each Job on the Waybill. This can be adjusted on the Jobs -> Exports tab.
27. Volume Quoted: The Cubic Feet or Meters of each Job on the Waybill.
28. Volume Actual:
29. Location:
30. Discrepancies/Damage Observed:
31. Loaded By:
32. Comments: Comments field of the Waybill.
33. Loaded By:
34. Date:
35. Time Taken:
36. Discrepancies/Damage Observed:



Export Waybill

Export Waybill/Manifest detailing shipping information. Summary and Detailed format

1. No: Waybill Number.
2. Destination Agent: Destination Agent name on the Waybill.
3. Vessel: Vessel Name on the Waybill.
4. Voyage: Voyage Number on the Waybill.
5. Container: Description of the Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
6. Container: Number field of the Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
7. Seal Number: Seal # field of the Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
8. Destination Port: Destination Port on the Waybill (labelled “Destination”).
9. Origin Port: Origin Rail/Port on the Waybill (labelled “Rail/Port – Origin”).
10. Departure: Date Departure on the Waybill.
11. Est Arrival: Arrival (Date) on the Waybill.
12. Uplift Address: Uplift Address of the Job added to the Waybill.
13. Consignee Contact Address: Delivery Address of the Job added to the Waybill.
14. Ref: Job Number attached to the Waybill.
15. Items: Number of Items on the Job attached to the Waybill.
16. Volume: Volume of the Job attached to the Waybill.
17. Gross Weight: Gross Weight of the Job attached to the Waybill.
18. Delivery To: Delivery To field on the Jobs -> Exports tab (in the Agent Instructions section).
19. Instructions: Agent Instructions field on the Jobs -> Exports tab (in the Agent Instructions section).
21. Exclusions: Exclusions field on the Jobs -> Exports tab (in the Agent Instructions section).
22. Invoice Details:
Referral/Source field of the Job
Agent Refer field on the Jobs -> Exports tab (in the Agent Instructions section).
Code -> Message field on the Jobs -> Exports tab (in the Agent Instructions section).
23. Enclosures: Lists all documents added to the Enclosures section on the Jobs -> Exports tab. The enclosures must be marked as Received (refer to screenshot 23.1 below).
24. Liability:
25. Policy No: Policy No field on Jobs -> Details.
26. Shipper: Client Name on Jobs -> Details
27. Sum Insured: Insured Value field on Jobs -> Details.
28. Contact & Email: Move Manager Name and associated Email as set on Jobs -> Details.


23.1 “Enclosures Received”





Forwarding Instruction

Shipping information to Consignor including weights, measures and charges

  1. Consignor – Shipper: Client Name on Jobs -> Details.

  2. Booking Ref: Booking Ref field on the Waybill.

  3. Waybill: Waybill Number.

  4. Consignee – Receiver: Consignee field on the Waybill.

  5. Notify Party: Notify field on the Waybill.

  6. Freight Agent: Freight Agent on the Waybill.

  7. Departure Date: Date Departure on the Waybill.

  8. Port of Loading: Port – Loading on the Waybill.

  9. OBL/AWB: OBL/AWBL field on the Waybill.

10. Ocean Vessel: Vessel Name on the Waybill.
11. Voyage No: Voyage Number on the Waybill.
12. CRN/Export Authority No: CRN field on the Waybill.
13. Type of Service: Type field on the Waybill.
14. Port of Discharge: Discharge Port on the Waybill (labelled “Discharge”).
15. Final Destination: Dest Code field on the Waybill.
16. Container(s): Number field of the Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
17. Seal(s): Seal # field of the Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
18. Size: The Size of each Container on the Inventory on the Waybill.
19. Marks and Numbers:
WB: Waybill Number
RP: Job Number
Client Name on the Job linked to the Waybill
20. No. packages: Packages on the Waybill. This is calculated as the sum of all the Packages/Items of each Job on the Waybill.
21. Description of Goods: Goods field on the Exports tab of the Job linked to the Waybill.
Vehicle field on the Exports tab of the Job linked to the Waybill.
22. Gross Weight:
23. Measurement:
24. Freight and Charges: Charges taken from the Charges tab of the Waybill.
25. Delivery Agent:
26. Signed: Move Manager and today’s date.
27. Wharf/Depot: Rail/Port – Origin on the Waybill.
28. Timeslot Information: (Uplift) Slot Time field on the Waybill.
29. Ref: (Uplift) Slot Ref field on the Waybill.
30. Charges Payable at: Charges Payable at field on the Charges tab of the Waybill.
Express Release, Original OBL Req, Telex Rel, or Waybill Sea Req taken from the field to the right of the OBL/AWBL field on the Waybill.


House Bill of Lading

House Bill of Lading detailing shipment information and freight charges

  1. Shipper: Client Name on Jobs -> Details.

  2. Non Negotiable Bill of Lading No: OBL/AWBL field on the Waybill.

  3. Forwarder’s Ref: Job Number

  4. Dispatch Ref: Waybill Number.

  5. Exporter’s Ref:

  6. Container or Unit Number: Number field of the Container(s) added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).

  7. Seal Number: Seal # field of the Container(s) added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).

  8. Consignee – Receiver: Consignee field on the Waybill.

  9. Destination Agent: Destination Agent on the Waybill.

10. Notify Address: Notify field on the Waybill.
11. Origin Agent/Shipper’s Representative: Origin Agent on the Waybill.
12. Ocean Vessel (or Transport Method): Vessel Name on the Waybill.
13. Port of Loading: Port – Loading on the Waybill.
14. Departure Date: Date Departure on the Waybill.
15. Port of Discharge: Discharge Port on the Waybill (labelled “Discharge”).
16. Est. Date of Arrival: Arrival (Date) on the Waybill.
17. Place of Delivery:
18. Marks and Numbers: Client Name on the Job linked to the Waybill
19. No. of Items: Number of Items on the Job attached to the Waybill.
20. Description of Goods: Goods field on the Exports tab of the Job linked to the Waybill.
Vehicle field on the Exports tab of the Job linked to the Waybill.
21. Length/Width/Height: Length/Width/Height of the Containers on the Waybill.
22. Volume:
23. Weight:
24. Enclosures: Lists all documents added to the Enclosures section on the Jobs -> Exports tab.
25. Agent Instructions: Agent Instructions, Agent Refer and Deliver To fields on the Jobs -> Exports tab (in the Agent Instructions section).


Importer Security Filing Report (10+2)



Insurance Certificate

Certificate of Insurance



Outturn Report – Export

Export Outturn report for Destination Agents to complete

  1. From: Origin Agent on the Waybill.

  2. To: Destination Agent on the Waybill.

  3. Our Ref: Waybill Number.

  4. Your Ref: Agent Refer field on the Waybill.

  5. Date: Today’s date.

  6. Containers: Number field of the Container(s) added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).

  7. Contact: Move Manager assigned to the Job.

  8. Seal(s): Seal # field of the Container(s) added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).

  9. Consignees: Consignees on the Waybill. This is calculated by the number of Jobs added to the Waybill.

10. OBL: OBL/AWBL field on the Waybill.
11. Packages: Packages on the Waybill. This is calculated as the sum of all the Packages/Items of each Job on the Waybill.
12. Vessel: Vessel Name on the Waybill.
13. Vehicles: Vehicle field on the Waybill.
14. Destination Port: Destination Port on the Waybill (labeled as “Destination”).
15. Client: Client Name of all Jobs linked to the Waybill.
16. Our Ref: Job Number of all Jobs linked to the Waybill.
17. Volume: Volume of each Job linked to the Waybill.
18. Packages: Number of items of each Job linked to the Waybill.


Bill of Lading Instructions

House Bill of Lading detailing shipment information and freight charges

1. Booking No: Booking Ref field on the Waybill.

2. Our Ref: Waybill Number.
3, 4. Shipper: Client Name on Jobs -> Details.
Bill To on Jobs -> Details: Name, Address, Email.

5. Forwarding Agent: Bill To on Jobs -> Details: Name, Address, Email

6. Consignee – Receiver: Consignee field on the Waybill.

7. Freight Agent: Freight Agent on the Waybill.

8. Destination THC: Dest THC field of the Waybill.

9. Notify Party: Notify field on the Waybill.
10. Destination Agent / Second Notify: Destination Agent field on the Waybill.
11. Place of Receipt: Rail/Port – Origin on the Waybill.
12. Port of Loading: Port – Loading on the Waybill.
13. Final Destination: Dest Code field on the Waybill.
14. Vessel/Voyage: Vessel Name on the Waybill/Voyage Number on the Waybill.
15. Port of Discharge: Discharge Port on the Waybill (labelled “Discharge”).
16. Dehire to: The Dehire To field of the Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom). If blank, it will pull the Destination Agent of the Waybill.
17. Description of Goods: Goods field on the Exports tab of the Job linked to the Waybill.
Vehicle field on the Exports tab of the Job linked to the Waybill.
18. Gross Weight: The Gross Wt (kgs) of each Job attached to the Waybill (refer to the Waybills -> Jobs tab, on the bottom right)
19. Measure: The Gross Vol (M3) of each Job attached to the Waybill (refer to the Waybills -> Jobs tab, on the bottom right)
20. Container: Number, Description, VGW and Vol field of each Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
21. Seal: Seal # field of each Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
22. Items: Items field of each Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
23. Total Items: Packages on the Waybill. This is calculated as the sum of all the Packages/Items of each Job on the Waybill.
24. Total Weight/Volume: The total KGs and Cubic Meters of all the Containers added to the Waybill. This is the sum of item 20 above.
25. Customs Reference: The Customs Ref field of each Job on the Waybill. Refer to Jobs -> Export tab -> Customs Ref (on the top-left Details section of the screen).
26. Comments: Comments field on the Waybill.
27. Release: (E)xpress Release, (O)riginal OBL Req, (T)elex Rel, or (W)aybill Sea Req taken from the field to the right of the OBL/AWBL field on the Waybill. (refer to screenshot 27.1 below)
28. OBL/WBL: OBL/AWBL field on the Waybill.
29. House Bill: Housebill field on the Waybill.
30. Waybill: Waybill Number.




Shipment Pre Advice to Agent (Air)

Letter advising Destination Agent of shipping consignment to their care

  1. Agent/Attention: Destination Agent field on the Waybill.

  2. From/Our Contact: Branch/Move Manager on the Job attached to the Waybill.

  3. M/HAWB: Waybill Number.

  4. MAWB: OBL/AWBL field on the Waybill.

  5. Your Reference: Agent Refer field on the Waybill.

  6. Flight: The flight number of each route on the Waybill.

  7. Estimated Date of Arrival: The Arrival Date of the last route on the Waybill.

  8. Airline: The Carrier of the Flights.

  9. MAWB: OBL/AWBL field on the Waybill.

10. Container Number: Number field of each Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
11. Seal Number: Seal # field of each Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).
12. Number of Packages: Packages on the Waybill. This is calculated as the sum of all the Packages/Items of each Job on the Waybill.
13. Consignees: Consignees on the Waybill. This is calculated by the number of Jobs added to the Waybill.
Vehicles: Vehicle field on the Waybill.
14. Signature: The name of the Moveware User.



Shipment Pre Advice to Agent (Sea)

Letter advising Destination Agent of shipping consignment to their care

  1. Vessel: Vessel Name on the Waybill

  2. Master No: Waybill Number.

  3. Sail Date: Date Departure on the Waybill.

  4. Arrival Date: Arrival (date) on the Waybill.

  5. Container(s): Number field of each Container added to the Inventory section of the Waybill (at the bottom).

  6. Consignee Name: The Client name of each Job attached to the Waybill.

  7. To: Destination Agent of the Waybill.

  8. Job No: The Job Number of each Job attached to the Waybill.

  9. Final Destination: Delivery Address of each Job attached to the Waybill.

10. Total Vol: The Volume of each Job attached to the Waybill.
11. No. Items: Number of Items of each Job attached to the Waybill.
12. Service: Service field of each Job attached to the Waybill.

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