Reports – General Ledger
The General Ledger tab of the Reports module contains reports pertaining to the General Ledger, divided into the following sections:
To access the General Ledger tab, a user must be assigned to the Security Group “G” in Employee Management > User Details.
General Ledger Report Filters
Consolidated Report – The way the General Ledger works, one account may be split into multiple versions. Example: Revenue 4000 may have several different versions based on Branch/Cost Centers. So 4000 if set to 3 cost centers (ADM, IMP, EXP) would actually have 3 different accounts (ADM4000, IMP4000, EXP4000). If Consolidated Report is toggled, it will combine the balances into those three accounts into only the 4000 value.
Include Old Account Numbers – Accounts can have an Alternative Number assigned to them (usually used to match up to another financial system, or possibly to reflect the numbers from the old system). If this is toggled, the report will show those old numbers in the report.
Show Periods as Running Total – This is a feature on Balance Sheet reports and Profit Loss reports that include multiple periods. Normally the reports show the activity in the period. If toggled, the report will instead show the balance in the accounts as a running total.