Process a Commission for a Period

Process a Commission for a Period

How to Process a Commission for a Period

The first step for completing a commission for a specific period is done by going to the Commissions tab in Vendor Management. On this screen will be a list of all un-processed commissions and deductions currently on the vendor. 

By default, the commissions are filtered by Uplift date for the last month up to date: 

This will result in only jobs which have an uplift in the last month, so these fields may need to be cleared in some situations, specifically if the Uplift Date is not entered on a job. Clear these fields by entering the field and entering ‘?’ into it. 

The commissions will be sorted by Removal, and can be filtered, if necessary, by using the fields located above the columns. 

Located to the top right of the commissions section there are several buttons available: 

View Details of Rates Used for Selected Costs [image-20240820-201357.png ]: Highlighting a line and using this button will take you to the rate that applies to the highlighted line.

Select All Records [image-20240820-201417.png ] and Deselect All Records [image-20240820-201425.png ] will select all currently filtered items on the screen. Individual items can be added or removed by double clicking on the line, highlighting the line, and adding a Y in the Selected column:

Once cost lines are selected the Create a Purchase Invoice for the Selected Costs [image-20240820-201454.png ] and Close Selected Accruals [image-20240820-201507.png ] will become available. Which will be the next step in the process.

After selecting the commissions items that should be included in the commission for the period, press the Create a Purchase Invoice for the Selected Costs [image-20240820-201516.png ] to open the standard purchase creation pop up. The Acct/Invoice Date and Reference will need to be filled in, and the bottom section will provide a summary of the commissionable amounts:

Alternatively, if a commission for the period was recorded in another fashion, and is no longer a payable amount, the accruals can be closed to remove the items from the list by using the Close Selected Accruals [image-20240820-201541.png ]. This will result in the items being removed from the list, but will not create a transaction in the GL.

How to Create the Deductions for the Period

Deductions are processed in basically the same fashion. Select the deductions that are appropriate for the month by either double clicking on a line, or using the Select All button and then use the Create a Purchase Invoice for the Selected Costs [image-20240820-201559.png ] to bring up the standard purchase creation pop up:

Notice this will create a negative purchase invoice that will be used to reduce the amount payable to the commission’s receiver. Alternatively, the Close Selected Accruals button [image-20240820-201710.png ] can be used to close the accruals and remove them from the list without creating a GL transaction if required.

Once the purchases are created (in status N), the purchases will need to be posted to proceed with processing. Go to the Suppliers > Purchases screen, and locate the purchases (can be filtered by the commissions receiver as the Supplier): 

Once these are posted, the purchases can be processed, and a payment can be made to the commissions receiver by using the Suppliers > Payment screen: 

Commissions Report

Once the Commissions and Deductions are processed, a commissions report can be run to be provided to the commission’s receiver. Open the Reports screen, and open the Suppliers tab. Locate the Commissions report, and select the period and the commission’s receiver: 

The report will show only the Commission/Deduction invoices that are created from the Commissions screen that are posted in the period. 

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