Set Up Commission Rates

Set Up Commission Rates

Rates can be setup on individual drivers, on the commission item (product), or using the Rates Management screen depending on the situation.

Set Up Rates on the Driver

On the Supplier Management screen (Suppliers > Supplier Management), locate the vendor of the driver and open the Rates tab. Pressing the Add button on this screen will open the Supplier Product lookup screen. Select 1 or more products from the list and press the OK button:

To setup the rates, begin entering the fields. The Calc field needs to be a calculating type, and DT is recommended. Alternatively, if it’s a fixed rate where the driver will receive an amount regardless to what is done, the F Calc could be used. This will result in a balance showing up regardless of certain products being used, so user beware:

Set Up Rates on the Product

From the Supplier Products screen (Administration > Company Setup > Supplier Products), rates can be setup from the Cost Rates tab. The rates are setup similarly to how it was setup on the Supplier Management screen by adding the product and then setting up the rates:

The screen is going to show all the rates currently setup against that product (note REEVES setup in the previous example) and two other drivers in the system (1039 and 1040), but this screen also allows for more general rates to be setup. For example, a universal rate of .15 could be setup for any driver that would be used by drivers without a specific rate setup against them. This would be overwritten by a specific rate setup for an individual driver (example, no rate was setup for Angela Lansbury, if she was a driver, she would get 15%. But Keanu Reeves would use the 25% rate instead). The rate could be applied to only be used for a specific vendor by selecting the line and applying a vendor to the rate:

Set Up Rates on the Rates Management Screen

The Rates Management screen (Administration > Company Setup > Rates) is an overview of ALL the rates currently setup in the database. By selecting the Creditor Products tab, the list will show only rates that have been setup against creditor products:

From this screen, rates can be created and linked to vendors as required. First Add the rate required by using the Add button, select the product, and then select whether it will be set to a specific vendor (pop up):

After that, use the same logic as the examples above to setup the Calc Type (DT/F) and the amount.

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