Post and Update an Invoice
Invoices are generally created as status N and once details are finalized Invoices can be posted singularly or in a batch process. The exception is Invoicing from Jobs where the first stage of posting assigns the Invoice number from the proforma charges and the second stage posts the Invoice through to the Customers Ledger and General Ledger.
Once all required details of an Invoice have been entered and saved, it is possible to post it and update the associated Customer account. The invoice will then become a Posted Invoice (Status U), is locked from being further modified, and posted to the General Ledger and Customers Ledger.
Invoices must be unposted before updating Charge Details. Un-posting an Invoice deletes the corresponding General Ledger journal and Customers Ledger entries. The Invoice may also need to be unposted to edit additional details, depending on the set System Parameters.
Note: Moveware recommends printing Unposted Invoices for checking and review before posting.
Single Invoices can be posted from the Customer Invoicing module.
How to Post a Single Customer Invoice:
In the main menu navigate to Customers > Invoicing. Existing Invoices are displayed in date order.
To find the required invoice use the search boxes to filter the Invoice records. See Search for Invoices for further details.
Select the Invoice and click the Post button.
The Status of the Invoices is set to U (Updated) and is now updated to the Customer Accounts. A Customer’s Invoice (DI) Journal is also created and posted to General Ledger. If the invoice posting is unsuccessful, there will be a pop-up error to notify of the error and the invoice will remain in N status.
How to Post Multiple Customer Invoices in a Batch
Refer to the Invoice Update menu for posting Customer Invoices in a batch.