Set a Diary Action as Not Applicable

Set a Diary Action as Not Applicable


There may be a scenario in which one or more of the standard auto-populated diary tasks are not applicable to the specific job.  Flagging a diary action as not applicable will not remove it from the list – it will only be visually “greyed out.”

How to Flag a Diary Action as “Not Applicable”

  1. Select the task 

  2. Click the “flag as not applicable” icon.   

  3. The task is now greyed out and placed at the bottom of the list – it will not disappear completely from your job diary, this way, anyone else working on this file can easily tell, by looking at the diary, that this task was not required for this specific job. 

Step 2

Step 3

In the event that the task became applicable later on, it is still available on the diary, and it can be set to applicable once again by selecting it and then clicking on the same icon.   

Note: If you find yourself setting the status of a task as non-applicable very often, it may be helpful to change the diary task defaults to prevent it from auto-populating in the first place (this is configured by the Moveware System Administrator).

Moveware also allows you to flag multiple diary actions as not-applicable at once. To do this, double click in the “S” (Selected) column for each diary action that you wish to flag as non-applicable. A “Y” will appear in the S column when Selected. Click the “flag as not-applicable” icon, and all of the selected diary actions will be set to N/A.

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