Diary Actions

Diary Actions

What are diary actions?

Diary actions constitute the events, tasks, appointments, and documents that are displayed in the Diary screens across Moveware.  

The Diary Actions Module

The Diary Actions module is used to add, modify, or delete particular diary actions, the diaries they appear in, their behavior, and the system parameters that affect them. 

To access this screen, navigate to Administration > Moveware Setup > Diary Actions. 

The Diary Actions interface has a list at the top of the screen with all the diary actions available in the database. The three columns at the top of the screen control all the settings within the selected action.

Each field is explained in detail below, organized into the columns as they appear on the Diary Actions screen (highlighted below).

Overview of Diary Action Module Fields

1st Column 




Code Value  

The unique internal database reference for the diary action.

This field is useful for separating diary actions that possess the same description, but serve different functions. For example, there could be multiple actions labelled a “follow-up” that serve different functions and only appear in certain job statuses.


The text description of the action that will display in the relevant diary.

Example: “Survey Confirmation to Client”

Key Actions  

A key action instructs the system to create a 1 to 1 link with another field in the system.

Example: The date of a diary action with a key action of “Uplift” will remain in sync with the Uplift date on the Details tab of the Job.  

Cost Type  




Moveware can link diary actions to a specific KPI process.  

For more information on this, please contact your account manager. 


If a document is required for this action, this field is set to Y and the document will display in brown.

Example: Acceptance documents to be received. 


This can be used for two purposes:
a) If a company is using the System Parameter “To restrict closing of a removal if any diary actions are not completed or N/A” and set the value to “D” then it would restrict the user to close a job if Diary Actions flagged as Mandatory are not completed.
b) To keep a user from completing a Diary Action if there is no attachment in a specific Directory. This option only works in combination with additional settings:
-Field “Mandatory” set to Y
-Field “Document” set to Y
-Field “Create Directory” must hold a value
-System Parameter “CreateDirectoriesforDocumentActions” is set to Y


Example: If there is no attachment in the set subfolder, the system would show the error message “No Attachment exists for selected Document Action in Sub-Directory ” when a user tries to complete the Diary Action.




Create Directory  



Report Name  

The report to be sent upon diary completion.

Example: Follow-up e-mail.


If linked to email/report/SMS and Y is selected, this will send automatically.

Example: Follow-up e-mail.

Type, Runtime, Run for Status  

Related to above, complete accordingly. 

Example: Follow-up e-mail to be sent 24 hours after completion.

Auto Create  

The diary action will auto-create, regardless of job status.


Types and Status  

Related to above, complete accordingly.


Reminder, Date, Status and Message  

Will generate a customizable pop-up reminder for this action. The Reminder field has 3 options:

N – No reminder
Y – Reminder goes to the Move Manager
A – Reminder goes to user Assigned to the Diary Action

  “Don’t forget to follow-up with client!”




2nd Column





Can be active or inactive. If a diary action status is set to inactive, it will not appear in a Job Diary and cannot be selected.

  Active or Inactive


Double clicking this provides you options to colour the cell for this action in the Jobs Diary screen.


Sort Lookups  

The order the diary actions will appear in diary action lookup .
The default is A – Z.


Sort Diary Entry  

The order the diary actions appear on the Jobs diary . Refer to the sort number standard for more information.

  Example: 250

Sort Daily Diary  

The order the diary actions appear on the operations diary. Refer to the sort number standard for more information.

  Example: 250


Will display in the Task Diary.



Will display in the Appointment Diary.


Corporate contact  

Will display in the CRM screen.


Allow resources  

Allows users to assign labour and vehicle costing to an action.

Example: for Operational actions, such as “Packing.”

Use Branch Start 

Defaults the Branch Start time to the diary action. The assigned time will be set to field Onsite or StartE depending on system parameter ‘Diary Based Resource Costing’.

If the system parameter is on, the default time will be set to ‘StartE’, otherwise ‘Onsite’.

All Cost Options  

Will be assigned to the entire job, not a specific cost option.

Example: “Follow-up” will be assigned to the entire job.


Only appears on a Waybill (not applicable for domestic movers).


Comment Action 

The code is a comment action.


Sync with Outlook  

Complete tasks from Moveware to Outlook (one-way only).



For marketing auto-emails. Works with the Opt-in/Out feature in the CRM module.

Example: E-mail sent telling client “discount available on next move” once the job has been completed.

Rate Request Only  

This action will only display on the International Rate Request screen.


Removals Only 

This diary action will be available on the Jobs screen only. 



Set to “N” to hide display Volume/Weight in the Dispatch Screen.

Y or N

Section 2 of the column 







Diary Actions flagged as Default will appear in the ‘Quick Add Selected Date’ drop-down in the Removal/Waybill Diary.


Hours Calc 

Value will be multiplied by Job meters. Must be numeric.


Use in Dest Sum 

Set to “Y” if it is going to be used in Destination Summary screen.


MW Setup 



Use Branch 

Always use selected branch when creating diary action.


Assign to Type  

The user type that will be assigned to the diary action.

Example: The diary action “Follow-up” may be assigned to the sales representative assigned to the job automatically.

Assign to actual user  

The individual that will always be assigned the diary actions.

Example: “John Doe” will always be assigned to the selected diary action.

Special Items 




3rd Column





Specifies the Operational diary the action will appear in. The action can appear in multiple diaries.

The standard diary codes are:
F (Fine Art)
C (Crates)
S (Sales)
W (Warehouse)
O (Operations)
R (Relocations)
T (Storage transactions)

Example: For Operational Actions such as “Book Parking,” you may want this to appear in the Operational Diary, depending on who should complete this task.


Determines which Web Portal the diary action will show in.

Example: C for MoveClient, P for MovePartner. Can be set to Both.

Parent and Variance  

Parents are “leading” actions. They can tell other actions (“child actions”) when they should appear.

Example: For the parent action “Send Quote,” a child action to “Follow-up” is configured to display 24 hours after the parent action displays. The parent-child relationship between these actions determines this.


The parent action required for the child action.

Example: “Send Quote” would be the parent action and “Follow-up” would be the child action.


Defaults the sequence number of Waybill Diary Actions.

The value in the Sequence field will be set in the Waybill > Diary screen in the ‘S’ column.

Look up types  

The Cost Centres this action will be available for.

Example: The diary action “Book parking” may need to be available only for Export Agent jobs.

Job Types  

The Job types action will appear for by default.

Example: “Book parking” may need to be the default for all Export Agent FCL Jobs.

DSP Types 




If Branch security is enabled, this will display the diary action only on the selected branch.



This action will be assigned when the selected origin is applicable.

Not usually applicable for domestic moving. 


This action will be assigned when the selected destination is applicable.

Not usually applicable for domestic moving.


Any relevant comments.  





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