Create a Tariff
Tariffs can be set up in Moveware in order to apply tariff rates to a Job. Tariffs are enabled by activating the System Parameter “Use Tariff Debtors”.
Once activated, a Tariff field becomes available on the Jobs Details tab. Whenever a tariff is used, its rates will apply to the Job’s Cost Options/Invoices.
A Tariff can be attached to a Customer so that any time that Customer is the Bill To on a Job, the tariff is automatically applied. This is managed in Customer Management by selecting the Tariff in the “Pricing” section.
Creating a new tariff
A Tariff is set up in Customer Management. Click the Add button to create a new tariff. Set the Status to Tariff:
Give the Tariff a name and Save. The rates for the tariff can be set up in the Rates tab of Customer Management.
Enter the rates like any other rates in Moveware. See Rates Management for assistance.
The Tariff can now be added to a Job and its rates will apply any time it is used.