Review an Imported Waybill

Review an Imported Waybill

Once a Waybill is imported it is critical that it is reviewed and finalised along with any associated Jobs. If the databases of the Destination Agent and Origin Agent are set up differently there will be blank fields in the Waybill or Job records.

By default, any imported Waybill and its associated Jobs will be entered in as status N and P respectively.  Although technically the job has been won and the Waybill is going ahead, the status is set as such to encourage users to fine-tune the Waybill and Job before converting the status to U and W respectively.

For example, there may be a difference in country codes, service or methods used by the Origin Agent, causing the respective fields to be blank or given an approximate value when imported into your database, in which case you may need to contact the Origin Agent to update accordingly.

It is recommended that imported Waybills are reviewed with the procedure below.

How to Review an Imported Waybill

  1. Navigate to the Search tab of either the Waybills module or MoveConnect window.

  2. Locate the required Waybill and navigate to the Details tab.

  3. Click the Save button to run a validation check. Any fields that fail validation will be highlighted in red, ready for correction if necessary.

  4. Once all data has been verified, update the status of the Waybill.

Standard operating procedures such as Job Type Creators and creating Invoices may now be run.

Note: Not all fields are exported from the Origin Agent to your database so please refer to the MoveTransfer Data Fields if you wish to learn more about the fields are imported into your system.

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