Auto-scheduled email Statements

Auto-scheduled email Statements

In the Reports screen > Scheduled tab, we can set up two kinds of Customer Statement reports to be emailed automatically.

Statements – Self is set up for emailing yourself a PDF with Statements of all Customers included in the report.
Statements – To Customers is set up for emailing a PDF statement to each customer individually, by using the ‘Multiple Print’ setting while ‘Output To’ = Email. This can be referred to as ‘Multi Email’.


Statements – Self

A typical report setup:

  1. The custom name of the scheduled report (could be named anything you want).

  2. Exclude Print Statement Group should NOT have ‘E’ in the filter.

  3. ‘To’ email address is provided (could be any email you want).

  4. Multiple Print should be No, since we do not want this email to be sent to multiple recipients.

Note: When ‘To’ email address is provided, the system will not allow ‘Multiple Print’ to be saved as ‘Yes’.


Statements – To Customers

A typical report setup:

  1. The custom name of the scheduled report (could be named anything you want).

  2. Exclude Print Statement Group should NOT have ‘E’ in the filter.

  3. Do Not provide a ‘To’ email address.

  4. Set Multiple Print = Yes, this tells the system to send an individual email to each Customer in the statement report.

The Customer needs to have Print Statement = E, and it should have a Statement E-mail. If no Statement E-mail is provided, the Invoice E-mail will be used instead.



Email Logs

An email will be send to the user running the auto-scheduled report. It is send to the Work Email of the Employee.

An event log can be viewed from Report Configuration > Statements.

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