Automatic Emails

Automatic Emails

What is an automatic e-mail?

Reports which have corresponding emails set up can be designed to be sent automatically to clients at certain dates and times depending on the diary action linked to the report’s date and run-time assigned.

The Automated Email process simply starts off by adding a diary action linked to an automated email; Moveware then shoots off the email on the date specified by the diary action at the run-time configured in Diary Action Setup.

i.e. Diary action has a date of 01/01/20 and a configured run-time of 1pm – Moveware will attempt to send the automated email at 01/01/20 at 1pm.  If there are any complications with the email server at that point in time, Moveware will continue attempting to send the email until 12 Midnight.

Once sent, the corresponding diary action is set to completed.

This functionality is best used for repeatable tasks – such as sending a reminder email to clients prior to inspection or uplift.

Most of the setup requires a Moveware user with Administrator access, however some can be freely performed by end users.

How to Set Up Automated E-mails

  1. Create Email Report

The first step is to create an email template from the report configuration screen.  If you already have an existing template you wish to use, skip to the next section.

  1. Navigate to: Administrator > Moveware Setup > Report Configuration.

  2. Select/Create required Report entry.

  3. Set Report Type to D (Diary E-mail).

  4. Locate the Diary Action that will send the e-mail.

  5. Make sure the Name field has a value if the report is to be e-mailed.

1)Select/Create required Report entry
a)Report Type – Set to (D)iary Email
b)Action – locate the diary action that will send the email
c)Name – make sure field has a value if a report is to be emailed

2)Create the Email Template
a.Select Email Setup tab
b.Email – Set to Y
c.Source/To – Select required Source (For the Merge Fields on right)
d.Subject/Body – fill in required details
e.Save Record

Once this is done, next step is to link a diary action to the email report and set it up for automated emails.

Diary Action Setup

This is where you need to link the email report to the required diary action.

Administration > Moveware Setup > Diary Actions
a) Select/Create required Diary action to trigger the Email
b) Automated – Set to ‘Y’
c) Type – Set to ‘Email’
d) Run Time – Select the time that Moveware should send the Email to client

Note: When the diary action is added to the R/P the action will be done at this time or at any time after this time on the date that the diary action is added.

e) Report Name – Double click on the field and select the Email Report you wish to link to the diary action 
f) Save

Setup Complete.

The set up is now complete. The diary action can now be added to a Job or to a Job Type.  The diary action can also be tied to other actions in the same way that Packing can be set to be 1 or 2 days before Uplift.  i.e. this action can be given a Parent of Uplift and a Variance of -1 to automatically set it’s date to be 1 day before Uplift.

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