Multi Print

Multi Print

The Multi Print function enables multiple Reports (Invoices and Statements) to be generated as separate documents grouped by Customer in one print run. 

This allows you to create a separate Statement document for each Customer and email each Customer their own Statement.  This option is best used when reports will be emailed, otherwise the standard method is the quickest.

How to Set Up Customers for Multi Print:

To include a Customer as part of the multiple-print group, the Customer must have the Print Statement and Print Invoice field set to E in the Customer Management Details tab. This indicates that generated reports will be emailed.

Additional settings available for these fields are as follows:

Setting Name

Setting Description


Yes (The multi-print feature will NOT be enabled).


E-mail Only (All invoices will be created and combined into a single PDF file for each debtor).


Single (One PDF file will be created for each invoice. Each e-mail will contain only one PDF attachment).


Batch (*Used by specific companies only).

How to Use Multi Print

  1. Go to the Invoice or Statement report in the Customers tab of the Reports module.

  2. Follow the steps in Generating Reports to prepare your report.

  3. In the right column, change Multiple Print from No to Yes by double-clicking on the field.

  1. Choose the desired output format (PDF, Word, or Excel).



Note: During this process Moveware will be unavailable for some time as it generates the required output.

  1. Set the run options as required:

Bypass Save–As Prompt: If set to No, each individual report will pop-up the “Save As” screen, allowing you to change the filename or the directory you save the PDF in. If set to Yes, it will avoid the Save As prompt for each individual email.

Email During Run: If set to No, you will be able to see each individual document before it is emailed. If set to Yes, it will email them all without you viewing them first.

Edit Standard Template: If set to Yes, you can edit the email that is sent to each customer. If set to No, it will use the standard email template for the document you are running.

Click ‘Continue’ to start the bulk email process. The multiple print process will conclude with a summary of results, and any errors encountered.

How to Review the Results Summary

  1. Check the ‘Message’ column to ensure there are no errors.

  2. Click on the select all image-20240828-152846.png  icon to select all the results in the list. Alternatively, select each result individually that you want to email out. The “S” column on the right will display as Y for all selected lines. Ensure each that you wish to email is selected.

  3. Click on the run button image-20240828-152854.png  to email customers with their invoices.

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