Employee Email, Outlook, and Signatures
The Users tab of Employee Management allows users to connect their Microsoft Outlook or Gmail accounts to Moveware, so that emails sent from Moveware are sent out of the user’s Outlook or Gmail account.
To send emails using Outlook, the Send Mail Using Outlook field must be set to Y. If sending using Gmail, set it to N. The User’s Outlook or Gmail username (email address) and password should be entered into the Exchange Username and Exchange Password fields. If using Outlook, the user can sync tasks and appointments from Moveware to Outlook. An Outlook signature can also be used if Use Outlook Signature is set to Y.
If an Outlook signature is not used, Signatures can be set up inside Moveware for each user in the Signatures area in the bottom right of the screen. Use the Add button to create a new signature.
If images are added to the Email Signature, please ensure that the image name does neither have a space nor special characters.