Email Merge Fields
Emails sent using Moveware can include several merge fields which pull information such as a client’s name from a Job, Waybill, or other modules in Moveware. These fields can be inserted into an email template using the list at the bottom right of the Email tab in the Report Configuration window.
The table below lists the merge fields available, a description of where each pulls from in Moveware, and the Moveware modules the merged data can pull from.
For further information on setting up emails see Report Configuration – Email Setup.
Field | Description | Applicable Modules |
Account Manager | The Account Manager of the Job/Waybill | Removals |
Actual Inventory |
| Removals |
Actual Materials |
| Removals |
ACW | The Air Chargeable Weight of the Job(s) or Rate Request, | Rate Requests |
Agent Ref | The Agent Reference Number of the Rate Request | Rate Requests |
Agent Reference | The Agent Reference Number of the Job(s) | Removals |
Agent | The Agent of the Job or Waybill (it is more common to use Origin/Dest/Booking etc. Agent. | Removals |
Bill Add1 | Address line 1 of the Bill To on the Job, Waybill or Invoice. | Invoices |
Bill Add2 | Address line 2 of the Bill To on the Job, Waybill or Invoice. | Invoices |
Bill Attention | Attention of the Bill To on the Job, Waybill or Invoice. | Creditors |
Bill Code | The Code of the Debtor/Customer of the Bill To on the Job, Waybill or Invoice. | Creditors |
Bill Email | The email address of the Debtor/Customer of the Bill To on the Job, Waybill or Invoice. | Removals |
Bill Name | The Name of the Debtor/Customer of the Bill To on the Job, Waybill or Invoice. | Creditors |
Bill Post | The Postcode of the Debtor/Customer of the Bill To on the Job, Waybill or Invoice. | Invoices |
Bill State | The State of the Debtor/Customer of the Bill To on the Job, Waybill or Invoice. | Invoices |
Bill Suburb | The Suburb of the Debtor/Customer of the Bill To on the Job, Waybill or Invoice. | Invoices |
Booking Agent Address | The full Address (as set in Agents > Details) of the Booking Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Booking Agent Contact | The Contact of the Booking Agent of the Job. | Removals |
Booking Agent Email | The Email address of the Booking Agent of the Job. | Removals |
Booking Agent Fax | The Fax (as set in Agents > Details) of the Booking Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Booking Agent Phone | The Phone (as set in Agents > Details) of the Booking Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Booking Agent | The name of the Booking Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Booking Reference | The Booking Ref of the Waybill. | Waybills |
Branch Address | Your full branch address | Agents |
Branch Code | Your 3 digit branch code | Agents |
Branch Display Address | The full address of the display branch of the Job, Invoice, etc. | Agents |
Branch Display Code | The 3 digit code of the display branch of the Job, Invoice, etc. | Agents |
Branch Display Email | The email address of the display branch of the Job, Invoice, etc. | Agents |
Branch Display Fax | The fax of the display branch of the Job, Invoice, etc. | Agents |
Branch Display Name | The name of the display branch of the Job, Invoice, etc. | Agents |
Branch Display Phone | The phone number of the display branch of the Job, Invoice, etc. | Agents |
Branch Display Website 2 | The website of the display branch of the Job, Invoice, etc. | Agents |
Branch Display Website | The website of the display branch of the Job, Invoice, etc. | Agents |
Branch Email | Your branch email address | Agents |
Branch Fax | Your branch fax number | Agents |
Branch Name | Your branch name | Agents |
Branch Phone | Your branch phone number | Agents |
Branch Website 2 | Your branch website | Agents |
Branch Website | Your branch website | Agents |
Chase Docs |
| Removals |
Claim No | The Claim number on the Job(s) | Removals |
Client Email | The Client's email address on the Job(s) | Removals |
Client First Name | The Client's First Name on the Job(s) | Rate Requests |
Client Last Name | The Client's Last Name on the Job(s) | Rate Requests |
Client Title | The Client's Title on the Job(s) | Rate Requests |
Client | The Client's Full Name on the Job(s) | Rate Requests |
Consignees |
| Removals |
Contact |
| Removals |
Container Size | The "Size" field on the Rate Request/Quotes to Agents Details screen. | Rate Requests |
Container | The Container number on the Waybill(s). | Removals |
Cost Option Branch | Your Branch code on the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Currency | The Currency of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Dest Type | The Dest Type of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Destination Distance | The Dest Type of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Destination Port | The Dest Port of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Destination | The Destination code of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Job Description |
| Invoices |
Cost Option Number | The Cost Option number (the Opt column of the Cost Option header) | Invoices |
Cost Option Origin Distance | The Origin Distance of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Origin Port | The Origin Port of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Origin | The Origin (code) of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Removal Type | The Cost Centre of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Service Description | The description of the Service of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Service | The code of the Service of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Cost Option Total |
| Invoices |
Cost Option Volume | The Volume of the Cost Option. | Invoices |
Crew |
| Removals |
Customer Payment Terms | The Terms of the Customer/Debtor on the invoice. | Invoices |
Date Arrival – BondReg |
| Removals |
Date Arrival | The Arrival Date of the Waybill. | Waybills |
Date Carton Delivery | The Carton Delivery date of the Job(s) | Removals |
Date Consolidated | The Consolidated date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Customs Cleared | The Customs Cleared date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Customs Lodged | The Customs Lodged date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Delivery Time | The time of the Delivery diary action on the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Delivery | The Delivery date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Departed | The Departure date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Docs Recieved | The Docs Received date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Docs to Port | The Docs To Port date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Entered | The date the Job or Rate Request was created. | Rate Requests |
Date Followup | The Followup date of the Job. | Removals |
Date Haulage Confirmed | The Haulage Confirmed date of the Job(s) | Removals |
Date Packing Time | The time of the Pack diary action on the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Packing | The Pack date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date POD Sent | The POD Sent date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Quar Cleared | The Quarantine Cleared date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Quar Lodged | The Quarantine Lodged date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Unload | The Unload date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Unpack | The Unpack date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Uplift Time | The time of the Uplift diary action on the Job(s). | Removals |
Date Uplift | The Uplift date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Delivery To |
| Removals |
Dest Access | The Destination Access of the Job(s) from Jobs >Details. | Removals |
Dest Add1 | The Destination Address line 1 of the Job(s) from Jobs >Details. | Rate Requests |
Dest Add2 | The Destination Address line 3 of the Job(s) from Jobs >Details. | Rate Requests |
Dest Agent Address | The full Address (as set in Agents > Details) of the Destination Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Dest Agent Comments |
| Removals |
Dest Agent Contact | The Contact name of the Destination Agent of the Job/Waybill | Rate Requests |
Dest Agent Email | The email address of the Destination agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Dest Agent Export Contact | The Export Contact (as set in Agents > Details) of the Destination Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Dest Agent Fax | The Fax (as set in Agents > Details) of the Destination Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Dest Agent Import Contact | The Import Contact (as set in Agents > Details) of the Destination Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Dest Agent Instructions |
| Rate Requests |
Dest Agent Phone | The Phone of the Destination Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Dest Agent | The Destination Agent name on the Job/Waybill | Rate Requests |
Dest Code | The Destination (code) of the Rate Request | Rate Requests |
Dest Country | The Destination Country of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
Dest Distance | The Destination distance of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
Dest Email | The Destination Client's Email address on the Job/Waybill | Removals |
Dest Mobile | The Destination Client's mobile number on the Job/Waybill | Removals |
Dest Phone | The Destination Client's phone number on the Job/Waybill | Rate Requests |
Dest Post | The Destination Post code of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
Dest State | The Destination State of the Job/Rate Request | Removals |
Dest Suburb | The Destination Suburb of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
Enclosures |
| Removals |
Entered By Department | The Department (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who entered the Job(s). | Removals |
Entered By Email | The Email Address (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who entered the Job(s). | Removals |
Entered By Mobile | The Mobile number (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who entered the Job(s). | Removals |
Entered By Phone | The Phone number (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who entered the Job(s). | Removals |
Entered By Position | The Role (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who entered the Job(s). | Removals |
Entered By | The user initials (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who entered the Job(s). | Rate Requests |
Entity Address | The Full Address of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Agents |
Entity Contact | The Contact person of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Agents |
Entity Email | The Email of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Agents |
Entity Fax | The Fax of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Agents |
Entity First Name | The First Name of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Debtors |
Entity Last Name | The Last Name of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Debtors |
Entity Mobile | The Mobile of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Creditors |
Entity Name | The full Name of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Agents |
Entity Phone | The Phone of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Agents |
Entity Title | The Title of the Customer/Debtor, Supplier/Creditor or Agent. | Debtors |
Est Move | The Est Move date of the Job(s). | Removals |
Estimated Inventory | A list of all Estimated Inventory for the Job(s) | Removals |
Estimated Materials | A list of all Estimated Materials for the Job(s) | Removals |
Extras |
| Removals |
File No | The File field of the Job(s) | Removals |
Flight Number 1 | The flight number of Route 1 in the Waybill details of an air waybill | Waybills |
Flight Number 2 | The flight number of Route 2 in the Waybill details of an air waybill | Waybills |
Flight Number 3 | The flight number of Route 3 in the Waybill details of an air waybill | Waybills |
For Each Cost Option |
| Invoices |
Freight Agent Address | The full Address (as set in Agents > Details) of the Freight Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Freight Agent Contact | The Contact person (as set in Agents > Details) of the Freight Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Freight Agent Email | The Email address (as set in Agents > Details) of the Freight Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Freight Agent Export Contact | The Export Contact (as set in Agents > Details) of the Freight Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Freight Agent Fax | The Fax (as set in Agents > Details) of the Freight Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Freight Agent Import Contact | The Import Contact (as set in Agents > Details) of the Freight Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Freight Agent Phone | The Phone number (as set in Agents > Details) of the Freight Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Freight Agent | The name of the Freight Agent of the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Freight Rate per ACW |
| Invoices |
Freight Rate per CuFt |
| Invoices |
Freight Rate per Kg |
| Invoices |
Freight Rate per M3 |
| Invoices |
Freight Total |
| Invoices |
gf | The Gross Feet of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
gk | The Gross Kilograms of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
gl | The Gross Lbs of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
gm | The Gross Meters of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
Ins By | The Insured By of the Job(s). | Removals |
Ins Type | The "Type of Cover" of the Job(s) in the Insurance section of Jobs > Details. | Removals |
Invent Smalls |
| Removals |
Invoice Currency | The Currency of the invoice. | Debtors |
Invoice Date | The Date of the invoice. | Invoices |
Invoice Description | The Description of the invoice. | Invoices |
Invoice Details | The Details of the invoice. | Invoices |
Invoice From | The From (address) field of the invoice. | Invoices |
Invoice Number | The Invoice Number. | Invoices |
Invoice To | The To (address) field of the invoice. | Invoices |
IXType |
| Rate Requests |
L/S Docs |
| Removals |
Method | The Method of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
Move Manager Department | The Department (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Move Manager of the Job(s). | Removals |
Move Manager Email | The Email (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Move Manager of the Job(s). | Removals |
Move Manager Mobile | The Mobile (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Move Manager of the Job(s). | Removals |
Move Manager Phone | The Phone (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Move Manager of the Job(s). | Removals |
Move Manager Position | The Role (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Move Manager of the Job(s). | Removals |
Move Manager | The Name (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Move Manager of the Job(s). | Removals |
nf | The Net Feet of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
nk | The Net Kilos of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
nl | The Net Lbs of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
nm | The Net Meters of the Job/Rate Request | Rate Requests |
OBL | The OBL/AWBL field of Waybill Details. | Removals |
Order No | The Order number of the Job(s) | Removals |
Origin Access | The Origin Access of the Job(s) from Jobs >Details. | Removals |
Origin Add1 | The Origin Address Line 1 of the Job(s) from Jobs >Details. | Rate Requests |
Origin Add2 | The Origin Address Line 2 of the Job(s) from Jobs >Details. | Rate Requests |
Origin Agent Address | The address of the Origin agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Origin Agent Comments | The Comments of the Origin agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Removals |
Origin Agent Contact | The Contact of the Origin agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Origin Agent Email | The email address of the Origin agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Origin Agent Export Contact | The Export Contact of the Origin agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Origin Agent Fax | The Fax of the Origin agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Origin Agent Import Contact | The Import Contact person of the Origin agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Origin Agent Instructions | The Instructions to the Origin agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Removals |
Origin Agent Phone | The Phone number of the Origin agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Origin Agent | The name of the Origin Agent of the Job(s)/ Waybill. | Rate Requests |
Origin Code | The Origin code of the Rate Request. | Rate Requests |
Origin Country | The Origin country of the Job/Rate Request. | Rate Requests |
Origin Distance | The Origin distance of the Job/Rate Request. | Rate Requests |
Origin Mobile | The Origin Mobile number of the client on the Job/Rate Request. | Removals |
Origin Phone | The Origin Phone number of the client on the Job/Rate Request. | Rate Requests |
Origin Post | The Origin Postcode of the Job/Rate Request. | Rate Requests |
Origin State | The Origin State of the Job/Rate Request. | Removals |
Origin Suburb | The Origin Suburb of the Job/Rate Request. | Rate Requests |
Packages | The number of Packages/Pieces/Items on the Job/Waybill. | Removals |
Packtype |
| Removals |
Payment Method |
| Removals |
Performance Review |
| Removals |
Port Dest | The Destination Port of the Job/Waybill | Rate Requests |
Port Discharge | The Port of Discharge of the Job/Waybill | Rate Requests |
Port Loading | The Port of Loading of the Job/Waybill | Rate Requests |
Port Origin | The Origin Port of the Job/Waybill | Rate Requests |
Rate Request ID | The Rate Request ID | Rate Requests |
Rate Request Total Lines |
| Rate Requests |
Rate Request Total |
| Rate Requests |
Referral | The Referral/Source field of Jobs >Details. | Removals |
Revenue | The Revenue field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
RP | Removal / Job number | Debtors |
Sales Rep | The initials of the Sales Rep on Jobs > Details. | Removals |
Salesrep Department | The Department (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Sales Rep of the Job(s). | Invoices |
Salesrep Email | The Email (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Sales Rep of the Job(s). | Debtors |
Salesrep Mobile | The Mobile (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Sales Rep of the Job(s). | Debtors |
Salesrep Phone | The Phone (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Sales Rep of the Job(s). | Debtors |
Salesrep Position | The Role (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Sales Rep of the Job(s). | Debtors |
Salesrep | The initials (as set in Employee Management) of the Employee who is the Sales Rep of the Job(s). | Invoices |
Seal Number | The Seal # of the Container(s) on the Waybill. | Removals |
Service | The (code) of the Service on Jobs > Details | Rate Requests |
Special Notes | The Special Notes / Crew Notes on Jobs > Details | Rate Requests |
Stg Charge | The Storage Charge field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Dest Currency | The Stg. Currency field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Est Period | The Est Storage Period on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Frequency | The Charge Frequency field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Fumigation | The Fumigation field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Hdlg In | The Handling In field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Hdlg Out | The Handling Out field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Ins Charge | The Ins. Charge field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Ins Rate | The Ins. Rate (per 1000) field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Ins Value | The Ins. Value field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Quoted To | The Redelivery Quoted To field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Rate | The Rate field (in the Storage Section) of Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Redel | The Redelivery field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Stg Volume | The (Storage) Volume field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Storage From | The Storage Date In field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Storage Handling | The Storage Hanlding In field on Jobs > Details | Removals |
Storage Week |
| Removals |
StorageID | The Storage ID attached to the invoice. | Invoices |
Survey Time | The time of the Survey in Jobs > Details | Rate Requests |
Surveyed | The date of the Survey in Jobs > Details | Rate Requests |
User Department | The Department (as set in Employee Management) of the user who is sending the email | Agents |
User Email | The Email (as set in Employee Management) of the user who is sending the email | Agents |
User Fax | The Fax (as set in Employee Management) of the user who is sending the email | Agents |
User Mobile | The Mobile (as set in Employee Management) of the user who is sending the email | Agents |
User Phone | The Phone (as set in Employee Management) of the user who is sending the email | Agents |
User Position | The Role (as set in Employee Management) of the user who is sending the email | Agents |
User | The Initials (as set in Employee Management) of the user who is sending the email | Agents |
Vessel | The Vessel of the Waybill | Removals |
Volume | The volume of the Job | Removals |
Voyage | The Voyage field of the Waybill | Removals |
Waybill Net Cuft | The Net CuFt of the Job/Waybill | Removals |
Waybill Net M3 | The Net Meters of the Job/Waybill | Removals |
Waybill | The Waybill number | Removals |
Website Account |
| Removals |
Website Feedback |
| Removals |
Website Messages |
| Removals |
Website Quotes |
| Removals |
Website Summary |
| Removals |