Inventory Management – Packing Materials

Inventory Management – Packing Materials

The “Packing” category of Inventory Management allows you to add all types of packing material that you may utilise in a job. The packing section has the ability to automatically calculate the cost of packing per job to generate a profit/loss of the job.

Overview of Fields






This is a Dropdown box to select the Inventory type. Click on the down arrow next to the type field and select Packing.


A unique Moveware-assigned ID number of the packing item.

Brief Name

A brief description of the packaging item




Full description of the packaging item


The make of the item


The name of the company supplying the packaging

Default Rooms

Used to define what rooms each packing type is used in.
The item will only appear in the Materials list for the Rooms specified here (leave blank to display in all rooms).

Pack Type

Pack Type such as Paper or Tape.


Supplier (Creditor) Product associated with the packaging item.


The Length, Width, Weight and Height of the packaging item.




Used to assign a Packing Material to a specific branch.

Cost Centre

Used to define the Cost Centre for the packing material.

G/L Code

Used to define the G/L code for the packing material.

Volume / Weight

The volume / weight of the packaging.

Pack Code

The Packing Type – either Supply Only or Supply & Pack.

Pack Method

Pack by Owner (PBO) or Carrier Packed (CP)

Wrapping Material

Defines if the packing type is a wrapping material.


Defines if the packing type is a carton.


The sort code to define the order in which the packing material are presented on the selection window.

Default Calc Type

The rate at which the packaging item is billed


The default Inspection type (Domestic, Commercial or both) for this packing item. This allows you to have different lists of Packing Material options for household jobs versus commercial jobs.

Material Cost

The cost of each item of packaging. This cost will apply to a Job when used.
Sell Price Sell price of the packaging item

Quantity packed per Hour

Number of items packed per hour

Quantity unpacked per Hour

Number of items unpacked per hour

Display Branches

Double click and choose all branches under which the Packing item should display as an option. Leave blank if all branches should see this item.

Display Cost Centres

Double click and choose all Cost Centres (types of Jobs) under which the packing item should display as an option. Leave blank if Jobs for all Cost Centres should be able to use this item.


Relevant comments about the material.

Amount Used Per Vol Packed

Amount of packaging material used for each unit of volume packed.

Pack Volume % Markup

Percentage increase in volume of packed item.

White Paper Used

Amount of white paper used in packaging.

Tape Used

Amount of tape used in packaging. If you add a value in this field for a packing item (e.g Carton - Book, Tape Used: 0.01) the system will automatically calculate the amount of tape needed based on the amount of Carton - Book in the Inventory and show under Resources.


The file path of the image to associate with an item (for MovePartner and MoveClient)


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