Modify a Customer Invoice

Modify a Customer Invoice

Manual and Storage Invoice details can be modified from the Customer Invoicing module. Invoices created from Jobs will need to be modified from the Job itself.

See Modify Invoice Charge Lines for details on how to alter an invoice from a Job. 

How to Modify a Customer Invoice

Some fields in the header can be modified in U status like the Invoice Description, and Details, but fields like Company, Branch, and Date will require the invoice be in N status. The invoice charge lines and other fields in the invoice body can only be updated when the invoice is in status N. 

To return the invoice to status N press the Reverse Invoice button: 

The reverse invoice button will void the journal in the General Ledger and remove the invoice from the customer ledger. Any receipt applied to the invoice will remain, although the Customer Ledger will show the receipts as an unapplied receipt until the invoice is returned to status U, at which point the receipt will be reapplied to the invoice. 

After setting the invoice status to N, all information can be edited the same way a new invoice would be edited. Lines can be modified or edited as necessary, including changing the total value of the invoice. 

How to Modify the Customer on an Invoice

If you have created an invoice for a client and wish to change the customer on that invoice, follow the instructions below. Please note that this can only be done if the invoice has not yet been posted in your General Ledger and the invoice is fully outstanding (ie, no partial payments have been allocated to it yet).

Navigate to the Customer Management Menu > Inquiry tab, as per the screenshot below.

In this example, I wish to move the 3rd entry to a different customer. The full amount of this invoice 500003 is outstanding. Select this entry and click on the blue arrow icon, which has been circled red below:

When clicking on that, as per below screenshot a prompt comes up asking if you are sure to move this invoice to another customer (the new customer must exist already in the system):

Click ‘Yes’ and a search screen with the existing customers opens. Select the new customer.

Please note: you can only select a new customer which has the same currency as the original one & within the same Company.

After selecting the new customer and clicking ´OK´, you will see now that the original customer no longer displays the selected invoice as outstanding anymore. On the bottom right, in the ´Transaction Notes´ field, a note is added showing that the invoice was moved on a specific moment to the new customer.

Now, in the customer file where we moved the invoice to, you can see the invoice in the Inquiry tab and also find a note in the ´Transaction Notes´ field:

You can do this with invoices, credit notes, refunds, and all transactions, but only those that are fully outstanding (not partially outstanding, and also not possible for different currencies, only for customers with the same set currency).

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