Claims Management – Details Fields
Field | Description |
Claim ID | Claim Number. Automatically assigned by Moveware. |
R/Plan | Removal Plan (Job number). |
Type | Claim Category. Claim, Complaint, or Feedback |
Claim Type | Type of Claim. Damaged, Missing or Both. |
Caused By | Who the damage was caused by? Client, Destination Agent, Freight Agent, Hauling Agent, Origin Agent, Other. |
Category | Category of Damage. Fire, Item, Major, Minor, Property, Vehicle, Water. |
Resolved | Is the claim for this item resolved? Y or N |
Client Notified | Has the Client been notified? Y or N |
Post | Postcode. |
Recv By | Person receiving claim. |
Managed By | Salesrep managing the account. |
Recv Branch | Branch receiving the Job. |
Origin Branch | Branch where the Job originated. |
Date Resolved | Date Claim was resolved. |
Claim Resolved | Is the Claim Resolved? Y or N. |
Priority | L(ow), M(edium) or H(igh). |
Client Insured | Was the insurance arranged by the Client? Y or N |
Insurance Claim | Is this an Insurance Claim? Y or N |
Name | Name of Claimant. Defaults to Delivery Name. |
Phone | Phone Number for Claimant. |
Address | Address of Claimant. |
Comments | Comments for Claim. |
Notes | Notes for Claim. |
Origin Branch | Branch that provided Origin Services. |
Recv Brch | Branch that received the Claim. |
Recv By | Staff member that received the Claim. |
Managed By | Staff member that managed the Claim. |
Date Uplift | Uplift date of the Job. |
Date Claimed | Date Claimed was lodged. |
Date Resolved | Date Claimed was resolved. |
Date Form Sent | Date Insurance Claim form sent to Client. |
Date Form Recd | Date Insurance Claim form received from Client. |
Policy No | Insurance Policy Number. |
Amount Claimed | Amount Claimed. |
Amount Covered | Insured Amount. |
Amount Owing | Amount Owing. |
Amount Paid | Amount Paid. |
Excess | Excess Amount. |
Type | Double-click for options: Fire Damage, Item Missing, etc. |
Items Claimed Missing or Damaged | Bottom table. |
Item | Item Name. |
Description | Item Description. |
Details | Details of damage. |
Currency | The currency of the listed value of the item. |
Valued At | Item value in the above currency. |
Claimed | Amount claimed. |
Paid | Amount paid. |
Resolved | Has this been resolved? Y or N |