Customer Management – Job Types
The Job Types tab of Customer Management allows you to configure Diary Actions and/or Costing lines to appear when a Job Type is run, but only for when this Customer is used as the Bill To of a Job.
By default, when viewing the Job Types tab of Customer Management for a Customer, all Job Types will be listed, but they will be set as Inactive.
The reason they are Inactive is because by default, all Job Types will create the Diary Actions/Costing lines configured for that Job Type, regardless of the Customer. It is only when you activate a particular Job Type for a Customer that Moveware uses this Customer’s Job Type setup when this Customer is on a Job.
If a Diary Action or Costing line applies only to one Customer, the first step is to Activate the Job Type(s) needed for this Customer. Toggle the Status for each Job Type to Active as needed. Then, double-click the Diary Action or Costing line you wish to add from the list on the right. When the Action adds to the Job Type, it will be highlighted in red to indicate it is was added to the Job Type for this Customer specifically.