Crate Set Up

Crate Set Up

There are a number of areas involved in setting up the Crate module:

System Parameters

The Parameter “Use Crating Module” must have a value of Y. This parameter can be modified by going to Administration>System Setup>System Parameters>Other Tab, and setting it to Y.

Additionally, in the General tab of System Parameters, double click on the Crating row in the Folder Display section. This activates the Crating tab on the Jobs/Removals screen.


Diary Actions

Diary Actions need to be set up before any Crates can be assigned to a Job. There are 4 actions that must be set up:

  • Crate Delivery

  • Crate Collection/Return

  • Crate Write Off

  • Crate Sell

  1. Navigate to Administration>Moveware Setup>Diary Actions

  2. Ensure that the code value and key action are exactly the same (as seen below):

Job/Removal Products

A Job Product (invoice line) needs to be set up for Crates.

  1. Navigate to Administration>Moveware Setup> Job/Removal Products.

  2. Click on the ADD button and ensure that the following are entered:

    • Description – Set to Crate Rental or however you wish to word this on an invoice.

    • Status – Set to Active

    • Product Type – set to C

    • Charge type – set to I

    • G/L Code

    • Inventory Type – Set to Crate

    • Revenue – set to Y

Supplier/Creditor Products

A Supplier/Creditor Product is required to link to update the charge onto the Costing tab of the Job.

  1. Administration>Moveware Setup>Supplier/Creditor Products

  2. Click on the ADD button and enter all the relevant information. Ensure the following are completed:

    • G/L Code

    • Type – set to I to ensure it can be invoiced

    • Inventory Types – must be set to Crate

    • Update values – set to Est. & Sell (Estimated and Sell)

  3. Link the Supplier/Creditor Product with the Job/Removal Product by double-clicking in the Removal Product field and selecting the Product made in the previous step.


Crate Charges/Rates

Once the Products have been created, the Crate Inventory items must be created and Rates/charges need to be applied.

  1. Navigate to Operations >Inventory

  2. Search under Type for “Crate”. Add your Crates to this list by clicking Add, and setting a Number and Description for each. Click Save.

  3. Click on the Cost Rates tab and input the rate for the Cost of the Product. Click on the Calc field to select the relevant calculation type. Crates are usually set to D (Daily Hire Rate) or W (Weekly Hire Rate).

  4. Click on the Charge Rates tab and input the rate- this is the revenue charge for the product.

  5. The Diary Actions assigned to crating are now part of the diary actions that can be used for a Job.

Security Groups

Users must have Security Groups ! and ) in order to view the Crating Diary Actions in Moveware.

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