The Event Log
What is the Event Log?
Moveware has an event logging system that keeps track of any events that occur during the usage of Moveware. Events include actions such as a user logging on, job details being changed, and customers being invoiced are all logged and can be viewed anywhere the Event Log icon appears . Users can view the event log but cannot delete or modify it.
The Event Log allows operations to be transparent to all users and assists in the resolution of any disputes that may arise between departments or in identifying any keying errors that can lead to a job not being performed adequately.
System Administrators can view and modify the entire Event Log across the system from Administration > System Setup > Event Log.
To view the Event Log:
Navigate to the relevant module from the main menu.
Click the Event Log icon .
The Event Log pop up window displays events in descending date order.
The events may be filtered according to date range, user, branch, and a description of the event. The Description search filter is useful for finding a specific event using wording that describes the event. The *wildcard can be used to search by a specific word. See Searching Records for further refining a search for events.
Click on an event to view the full details at the bottom of the Event Log window.